Can parents say no detention?

Can parents say no detention?

Parents cannot overrule the school when it comes to detentions. You have no legal right. If you refuse to let your DS attend, then the school can escalate the sanction, e.g. an internal isolation. Obviously the school cannot detain your child against their , or your will!!

Can Teachers question students without parents?

Generally, school administrators can question students at school without a parent or guardian being present. Students may tell school staff or school police officers that they do not want to answer any questions, make any statements, or write any statements without a parent, guardian, or lawyer.

Why do teachers ask personal questions?

Conversations and questions are often one way to ensure their students are safe. If you are from out of town (or state, or country) and the teacher is curious, she might start asking questions. I’m assuming you are attending school in the United States.

Do parents have the right to visit classrooms?

The answer is yes! A parent’s right to observe his or her child during the school day is supported by federal law. This applies to all students, in regular and special education alike.

Is it legal to have security cameras in classrooms?

Unless the school has a personal policy against having cameras on campus, legally it is acceptable to install them. School officials can also confirm with the school’s lawyer. Although many people cite privacy issues when it comes to security camera installation, it is not technically illegal to do so in the classroom.

Do minors have 1st Amendment rights?

Court has long recognized that minors enjoy some degree of First Amendment protection. Students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate” (Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 1969).

Do minors have civil rights?

Under the law, children in the United States are fully formed human beings with the same basic constitutional rights that adults enjoy. Like every other citizen, children have the right to due process under the law and the right to counsel.

Can minors protest?

You, as an American, have the right to protest period. You can go anywhere and say anything you want to under the law, to some degree. For huge marches and other large-scale protests, permits are required, but those are mostly taken care of.

Can you protest anywhere?

Generally, all types of expression are constitutionally protected in traditional “public forms” such as streets, sidewalks, parks and public plazas. California permits speech activities, such as handout leaflets, in facilities operated by state and local governments and open to the public as long as they do not …

What makes a protest illegal?

The most significant limit on your right to protest is in the language of the First Amendment, which prohibits government interference with the right to assemble “peaceably.” The U.S. Supreme Court long ago recognized the government’s right to stop demonstrations that present a “clear and present danger” of violence or …

Do you think its proper to do Protest at age of 16?

Answer. Answer: No, because at the age of 16, Maturity is not being develop, 16 years old has lack of information, 16 years old are just developing theirselves.

How do you convince your parents to let you protest?

Figure out what would make them feel more comfortable. Explain to your parents/guardians how you connect with the issues and make it clear to them that it means a lot for you to be able to participate. Create a list of commitments that both you and your parent/guardian will agree to.

Is it illegal to block streets during a protest?

Blocking traffic is an illegal, albeit effective method of protesting in the United States. When protesters block highways or streets that they are not permitted to be on, they are breaking the law and do risk arrest.

Is it legal for parents to force religion?

Basically, if a parent can force a child to go to church by means that don’t constitute abuse or neglect and don’t exceed the level of force authorize for child discipline in the criminal code, then they can do it, and if they can’t manage that, then they can’t do it.