Can you ask a cashier out?

Can you ask a cashier out?

From a former cashier at a fancy grocery store: The note idea is fine. It’s low pressure, the ball’s in her court, doesn’t waste time or put her on the spot in front of coworkers/managers. All of the people saying “Just ask her out” don’t get that she might feel very uncomfortable saying No, to a customer.

How do you ask out a cashier guy?

Start out by asking him where stuff is. The more obvious the better. Then you can say, oh gee, I must have walked past this five times without seeing it. After that, when you see him next time you can go over and tell him how thankful you are that he was able to help you.

How do you flirt with a store employee?

Ask them anything you want, anything that requires more than just a yes or no answer and then nod your head and smile easily (not like a crazy person). Tell them you shop there frequently and that you’ve seen them working there before and that you find them interesting and wonder if maybe they might call you.

How do I get a cashier’s phone number?

Pre-write your number and a little note on a post it. Maybe write something like “I see you here every day and you seem really cool. Text me if you’d like a coffee when your shift is over?” and leave your number. (If you can draw, draw a little thing on it.

Why do cashiers ask for phone number?

Because a phone number often can be used to look up a customer’s address, stores say it helps them send special offers through the mail or tailor those offers to a customer’s prior purchases. Many stores have signs explaining such a policy near checkout counters.

How can a cashier talk to a customer?

How to Stand Out: 5 Dos and Don’ts for Cashiers [VIDEO]

  1. Do greet customers when they approach you. Look them in the eye and speak clearly and with energy or some amount of enthusiasm.
  2. Do decide with each customer what the most appropriate thing is for you to say.
  3. Do carry on brief conversations while you also do your job.
  4. Do hold your tongue if something troubles you.

How do you tell if a female cashier likes you?

If she is interested in you, she will usually say something—like giving you her phone number or asking if you’re single. Another possibility is that she might spend a lot of time looking admiringly at you. That’s usually a pretty good indication.

Should you ask a girl out at her work?

You can ask a girl out Anywhere, in any setting, even at her workplace – and it’s completely Okay! Although it would be somewhat inappropriate if you worked there as well. But don’t just walk up to her and ask her out or ask for her number right away. Go up to her and start a conversation, instead!

How do I get her interested in me again?

Well, I’ve been there.

  1. How to get a girl to like you again.
  2. How to turn things around in your favor.
  3. #1 What went wrong the first time.
  4. #2 Give her space.
  5. #3 Impress her from a distance.
  6. #4 Let her know you’re still interested discreetly.
  7. #5 Be proud and have an ego.
  8. #6 Don’t be sweet with her.