Can you find something serious on tinder?

Can you find something serious on tinder?

An actual relationship is possible to achieve via Tinder. Although it may be rare and only few really say that they met on Tinder, it’s definitely possible. Whether you believe it or not, it’s totally possible to find someone on Tinder who’s there for a long time and not just a good time.

What are looking for tinder?

How To Answer “What Are You Looking For On Tinder?”

  • Answer: “To be honest, I’m not completely sure. I downloaded it mainly out of boredom and some curiosity.
  • Answer: “I don’t know the exact answer to that question.
  • Answer: “The main reason is to meet some cool people, maybe catch up and see where things go.

Is it OK to ask what someone is looking for on tinder?

Don’t ask someone “Hey, what are you looking for?” Go ahead and note what kind of relationship you’re looking for in your bio — experts usually recommend doing that — but avoid asking about specific character traits. Men are more inclined to ask this question than women are, Golden says….

How do you say I’m looking for a relationship?

How to Say You Want a Relationship

  1. I’m always looking for the right one.
  2. I want to be ready when I meet her.
  3. I’m searching for the one I want to wake up with for the next 50 years.
  4. I’m looking for the one who I can’t stand to be without.

How do you tell a guy you’re serious about something?

How To Let A Guy Know You’re Looking For Something Serious

  1. Ask him what he wants first.
  2. Act like it.
  3. Sponsored: The best dating/relationships advice on the web.
  4. Just say so upfront.
  5. Be firm with and stick to your boundaries.
  6. Be consistent.
  7. State your deal-breakers.
  8. Set a reasonable timeline for getting to know you.

What kind of relationship do you want?

There’s a whole spectrum of relationships that we can choose from – and they should be by an informed choice shared by both parties. There are those relationships that lack emotional, physical and sexual intimacy and loving care – and the other end of the spectrum where they can seem almost suffocating….