Can you get laid in Skyrim?

Can you get laid in Skyrim?

Do note that you can’t “have sex” in vanilla Skyrim. “Lover’s Comfort” is the closest you’ll get, but that could just be cuddling for all the player knows.

Can you sleep with your spouse in Skyrim?

Lover’s Comfort is a temporary effect that allows all skills to improve 15% faster for 8 hours. To gain access to this buff, the Dragonborn must have a spouse and have moved into a home. One will then be able to sleep with one’s spouse in a bed in the marital home.

Can you have a child with your wife in Skyrim?

No, it is not possible to have children in Skyrim. Aside from marrying and having your spouse cook dinner for you, there is decidedly limited spousal interaction. If you are using a PC, you can download this mod which will allow you to adopt children from Riften, if you really want a little brat.

Can you have 2 wives in Skyrim?

No. Even if you have multiple houses, you cannot have multiple wives.

Does your kid grow up in Skyrim?

No. No one ages at all in Skyrim. There are children and elders only because the programmers/designers put them in there to be children and elders; there’s not a single NPC that will age a single day, no matter how long you play the game.

Can Breezehome be robbed?

User Info: Hellbringner1. You cannot be robbed. Chests cannot be overladed with items. However, the item chet, before patches, that sits in the alchemy lab/ child bedroom of Breezehome was not safe.

Can you Unadopt a child Skyrim?

You can kill them, but still can’t un-adopt them. uninstall hearthfire, load up your game and save, then reinstall hearthfire, kids will be gone and back to their unadopted state.

Can your wife get kidnapped in Skyrim?

Kidnapped for Ransom is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Dragonborn’s spouse is kidnapped and held for ransom by Rochelle the Red and her bandits.

Can you adopt Aventus?

You can now adopt Aventus Aretino. Speak to him in the Aretino Residence after completing the quest Innocence Lost. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once Aventus is adopted the game treats him just like any other adopted kid.

Why did my wife disappeared in Skyrim?

Apparently if you don’t talk to your spouse after where you are going to live before they leave the temple, they go missing. According to the wiki, if this happens you will find them wherever you first met them, in Camilla’s case, the Riverwood Trader so you should check there first.

Can bandits steal from your house Skyrim?

No. There are no NPCs in Skyrim that will steal items you stored in your home, or any other safe, non-resetting containers.

Which followers can become stewards?

Followers who can become Stewards

Companions College Mages
Aela the Huntress Njada Stonearm Ria Vilkas Brelyna Maryon Onmund
Dawnguard Members DG Housecarls
Agmaer Beleval Celann Durak Ingjard Calder Gregor Iona Jordis the Sword-Maiden Lydia Rayya Valdimar