Can you go to jail for sending pictures?

Can you go to jail for sending pictures?

In most states, the act of sending illicit pictures involving a minor will result in felony charges. These are generally punishable by severe criminal fines and at least one year in a state prison. Penalties for misdemeanors generally include smaller criminal fines and up to a year in jail.

What can I do if someone is threatening me?

What should I do if someone is threatening me?

  1. 1) Call the police: 911.
  2. 2) While you are still on the phone with the police, text a friend or relative.
  3. 3) Try to stay calm.
  4. 4) Remember, people who are being racist or violent are not rational.
  5. 5) If you speak English, speak in English to those around you.
  6. 6) Ask another person near you for help.

Can you sue someone for verbal assault?

When one party has been the subject of verbal abuse, he or she is usually the only party that sustains psychological or emotional damage in the ordeal. However, when both parties have been equally abusive, there may be no claim for either. Usually, only one person is permitted to sue the other.

Is it a crime to pull a knife on someone?

Yes, you could get into legal trouble if you brandished a knife under the circumstances as stated. If you unjustifiably threatened deadly physical force, such as pulling the knife, you could be charged with the crime of Menacing and/ or Reckless Endangerment or even Criminal Possession of a Weapon.

What determines a threat?

“Under California law, the elements of the completed crime of making threats with intent to terrorize are: (1) willfully threatening to commit a crime that will result in death or great bodily injury to another person, (2) specific intent that the statement be taken as a threat, (3) the threat was on its face and under …

What is opportunity cost give example?

When economists refer to the “opportunity cost” of a resource, they mean the value of the next-highest-valued alternative use of that resource. If, for example, you spend time and money going to a movie, you cannot spend that time at home reading a book, and you can’t spend the money on something else.