Can you kill your wife in Skyrim and remarry?

Can you kill your wife in Skyrim and remarry?

In Skyrim, marriage is forever. That means there is no divorce, and death does not end a marriage either. You can never leave your spouse for another, or re-marry after being widowed.

Can you become High King of Skyrim?

The only way the Dragonborn could become offically the High King, is through the proper Nord tradition of the Moot. The Dragonborn would need the support of the majority of the Jarls to become High King.

Does General Tullius go to Sovngarde?

People are saying General Tullius goes to Sovngarde when you kill him in the Civil War. That is entirely false.

Can I loot alduin?

There is a brief moment where the option to loot Alduin’s body appears before he disintegrates, although he cannot actually be looted. It is possible, if Kahvozein’s Fang is equipped in the right hand, to harvest Dragon Heartscales. When Alduin dies, the Dragonborn does not absorb his soul.

Is there anything hidden in Sovngarde?

It can be averted by using the “Clear Skies” shout until reaching the Hall of Valor. There is a Word Wall along the path through Sovngarde. Before engaging in battle in the next quest, there are two unique items found in the Hall of Valor, a Roasted Ox Head, and two Roasted Ox Legs.

Is there anything cool in Sovngarde?

The most notable place in Sovngarde is the Hall of Valor, also known as Shor’s Hall, a massive hall in which the dead drink, feast, and sing for all eternity. During the related quest, the portal brings you to the head of the valley at the top of a series of stairs.

Should I kill Paarthurnax?

You need to kill Paarthurnax to get back into blades. Some sources suggest that it is not possible to kill that dragon after the main quest, but regardless I have managed to kill it straight after the main quest line. If you have Steam theirs a mod called The Paarthurnax Dilemma by Arthmoor.

Can I leave Sovngarde?

Nope, it’s like FO, you can’t leave. Accept your fate. Rest in Sovngarde.

Does killing alduin end the game?

sorta) but really, the game never really ends, as I’ve heard the dragons never even go away, they just get more powerful. Some new kinds even end up showing up.