Do the needful ASAP?

Do the needful ASAP?

Do the needful is a common phrase in Indian English. It means do that which is needed. If it sounds too clunky or vague to you, or if your audience will be unfamiliar with it, you can politely ask people to do what you need them to do instead. You can also say do what needs to be done.

Could you please and would you please?

What is the difference between Could you please and Would You please ? Which one is more polite ? Both are commonly used to ask someone to do something, so there is not a big difference between them in the meaning. Would you please may be considered as slightly more polite than Could you please.

Would you or could you?

But I would suppose that “would” is more polite, because it expresses the idea of probability, and of willingness, and of the desire that something be done, whereas “could” is more in the realm of ability (yes I can). And according to the American Heritage Dictionary, “would” is used to make a polite request.

Is could you please a question?

A polite request can be made with an interrogative clause (‘Could you please pay us’), an imperative clause (‘Please pay us’), a declarative clause (‘We would appreciate it if you could pay us’), and so on. I use the words ‘question’ and ‘request’ and ‘statement’ as kinds of meaning, not terms of grammar.

Can you please send me or could you please send me?

Both are correct. The first is more direct, and the second is more polite. Could you please . . . gives slightly more room for refusal than Can you please . . .

How can you or how could you?

2 Answers. Can is the present tense, could is the past conditional. Depends on how precise you want to be. The infinitive of this orrid verb is “to be able to”.

Can you please sentence?

‘Could you please pass me the salt?’ ‘Sure! Here you go.

Would sentences examples in English?

Using would as as a kind of past tense of will or going to is common in reported speech:

  • She said that she would buy some eggs. (“I will buy some eggs.”)
  • The candidate said that he wouldn’t increase taxes. (“I won’t increase taxes.”)
  • Why didn’t you bring your umbrella? I told you it would rain! (“It’s going to rain.”)

Which is correct would be or will be?

Will describes an action that is expected to take place in the future. It expresses certainty. Would describes something that was in the future at the time of the original action, but is no longer in the future now.

Would it or will it?

Would: How They’re Different (and How to Use Each) The main difference between will and would is that would can be used in the past tense but will cannot. Also, would is commonly used to refer to a future event that may occur under specific conditions, while will is used more generally to refer to future events.

Will have or would have?

We use would have as the past tense form of will have: I phoned at six o’clock. We also use would have in conditionals to talk about something that did not happen in the past: If it had been a little warmer, we would have gone for a swim.

What is the difference between will and going to?

When you are plans are definite, use GOING TO. When you dream of doing something, use WILL. When you’re talking about actions that are far into the future (months or maybe years from now), use WILL. When you’re talking about actions that you will do soon (tomorrow or next week), use GOING TO.

Will going to predictions?

‘Will’ or ‘Going To’? (Predictions) We use to be + going to + infinitive when we make a prediction based on evidence we have now. We use will + infinitive when we make a prediction which is only a guess or an opinion of ours.

Will and going to future forms?

There are two future forms used in most conversations: the future with “will” and the future with “going to.” The main difference between the two forms is that “going to” is used for plans and intentions made before the moment of speaking, and the “will” to speak about the future at the moment of speaking.

Will future examples?

Examples of Will: I will go to the cinema tonight. He will play tennis tomorrow. She will be happy with her exam results. They will take the bus to the South next week.

What is the future tense of go?


I will go
you will go
he, she, it will go
we will go