How did adults seem to the poet when he was a child?

How did adults seem to the poet when he was a child?

How did adults seem to the poet when he was a child? Answer: As a child, the poet considered all the adults as an epitome of love and sincerity. He believed that their love was true and they were ready to do anything for , their loved ones.

What did the poet realize when he was twelve years?

What did the poet realize when he was twelve years? At the age of twelve, the poet learnt that Hell and Heaven were not real but mere stories and that science didn’t support the existence of Hell and heaven.

What do words my mind was really mine mean?

The poet discovered that his mind was really his own to be used in whichever way he chose. His mind could produce thoughts that were not of other people but his own and that was a revelation to the poet.

What are the three hallmarks of growing up?

According to the poet, following are the three hallmarks of growing up:

  • First, a person, in his childhood, is full of imaginations. He believes in Hell and Heaven.
  • Second, when the person grows up, rationality and logic comes to his mind and he starts thinking rationally.
  • Third stage is the maturity.

What was the hypocrisy of grown ups?

Answer Expert Verified In the poem Childhood by Markus Natten, the poet feels hypocrisy of the grown-ups could be one reason behind the loss of his childhood. As he grew up he realized the adults, more often than not never did what they said. They talked of love and preached love, but never ever acted lovingly.

What does the poet regret in childhood?

The poet regrets having lost the innocence that he had as a child. He feels that after he turned twelve, he realised that hell and heaven did not exist as had been taught to him. The poet could have lost his childhood when he realised that adults were hypocritical. …

What are the three hallmarks of growing up according to Natten?

What are the three hallmarks of growing up, according to Natten? Ans. (i) The ability to see the difference between facts and fiction, between right and wrong. (ii) Hypocrisy.

What is the central idea of the poem childhood?

Childhood is a stage of innocence in which the child believes others and loves unconditionally. In this poem the poet Marcus Natten thinks deeply over the question of his lost childhood and tries to identify some stages of his life when his thoughts and perceptions of the world changed.

What is the poet trying to convey when he says that childhood is hidden in an infant’s face?

What is the poet trying to convey when he says that childhood is hidden in an infant’s face? Answer: The poet says an infant is really innocent as he trusts everyone and does not try to fool others. The poet brings out this fact by contrasting it with the behaviour of adults, who become manipulative and are hypocrites.

What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood class 11?

What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood? Answer: The poet, basically, seems to be obsessed about his childhood and, more so, about its loss. He feels very nostalgic and lament over the fact that his childhood will never come back.

Why does the poetess feel nostalgic?

She becomes nostalgic. She is reminded of a time when her mother was young and she was a child. She remembers how her mother used to look at one of her old photograph, where she posed in the beach with her cousins Betty and Dolly with a smile.

Why does the poet repent on his loss of childhood?

He tries to identify that one particular stage or time when he lost his childhood and stepped into adulthood, and feels a sense of nostalgia for this stage of life which keeps life aloof from the world of hypocrisy, bitter reality and materialism.

How does the poet take the loss of his childhood?

The poet realises that the loss of his childhood is a normal process of human life. Although he is initially in denial, and wonders where it might have gone, he then relents saying that his childhood has ended because he has grown up and says that the innocence that he once had is now in the face of some other child.

Why does the poet call it a forgotten place?

Why does the poet say that his childhood has gone to some forgotton place? In the final stanza the poet relents the fact that his childhood is no more than a distant memory. He is unable to recollect the innocence of his infancy. Thus, he feels that his childhood has withdrawn into a “forgotten place”.

Which two occasions come to his mind as an answer?

Answer: The two occasions came to his mins as an answer were: i) He recalls the day he turned 11.. ii) The day he got to know the difference between Hell & Heaven..

Why is the poet confused?

The poet was confused in the diversion of the road because he was the alone traveller and the road was two. He was unaware where the both road would go to. So, this make difficult for the poet to choose a road a that road stood as the symbol choices in his life which could be both good and bad.