How do I bring my order to life?

How do I bring my order to life?

Here are 10 practical tips on how you can get your life in order – starting today!

  1. REALIZE that your life is not where you want it to be right now.
  2. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the condition that your life is in right now.
  3. REPENT.
  4. REMEMBER what is MOST IMPORTANT to you.
  5. GET QUIET and determine your TOP 3-5 priorities.

How do I live my life for myself?

Here are FIVE steps to begin living for yourself:

  1. Know yourself & what you want. First things first, you have to know yourself and know what you want.
  2. Learn to be your authentic self.
  3. Set your own standards.
  4. Live aligned to your own standards and desires.
  5. Keep growing.

What is the secret of happiness?

As Mahatma Gandhi has said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” The smaller the gap between what you should do, and what you actually do? the happier you will be.

What is the great secret of life?

The law of attraction says that like attracts like, so what we think is what we attract to ourselves. Remember, our current thoughts are creating our future life. Our thoughts become things- anything that we think of or visualize can be brought into reality.

What is the secret of the universe?

The Secret of the Universe (1991) is a collection of seventeen scientific essays by American writer and scientist Isaac Asimov. It is the twenty-second and final of a series of books collecting essays from The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF).

Is the greatest secret the same as the secret?

5.0 out of 5 stars This Book Is “Nondualism For Dummies”! If you’re open to it, then this book could definitely change your life. Rhonda’s style and delivery are the same as “The Secret” but the message is a clear and concise distillation of teaching from Advaita superstars like Mooji, Rupert Spira and Lester Levenson.