How do I find my faith in God again?

How do I find my faith in God again?

How to Find God Again and Get Back in Touch With Religion

  1. Start Accepting the Past. One of the first ways for you to get back in touch with your religion is to simply accept the past for what it was and move forward.
  2. Consider Listening to Christian Podcasts.
  3. Find a Welcoming Christian Community.

How do I get my lost motivation back?

17 Things to Do When You’ve Lost Your Motivation

  1. Refocus on doing what YOU really, really like to do.
  2. Make a list of upsides.
  3. Make a list of downsides.
  4. Spend 3 minutes on remembering your successes.
  5. Go for a bigger goal.
  6. Or go for a small or tiny goal.
  7. Remember how far you have come and compare yourself with yourself.

How do you not lose faith?

Here is how not to lose hope in difficult times:

  1. Have faith. Based on my experiences, to not lose hope you must have faith.
  2. Remember your “why.” When you are in a difficult time, you should remember: why do you do what you are doing in the first place?
  3. Be around supportive people.
  4. Help others.

How do you have hope in difficult times?

Finding hope when faced with the unknown

  1. Start by making a daily routine.
  2. Set a goal.
  3. Perform random acts of kindness.
  4. Push past obstacles.
  5. Turn off the news, unplug from social media.
  6. Take care of yourself.
  7. Take time to pray.

How do you help someone in difficult times?

Below are some ways that we can begin to work together to support each other.

  1. Listen. And realize that not everything needs a response or a story about you.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Recognize the situation.
  4. Create opportunities for involvement.

Why should we keep hope?

To have hope is to want an outcome that makes your life better in some way. It not only can help make a tough present situation more bearable but also can eventually improve our lives because envisioning a better future motivates you to take the steps to make it happen. Everyone hopes for something.

What do you say to someone to give hope?


  1. “Be good to yourself.
  2. “This is what you’re going through, not who you are.”
  3. “I hope you are surrounded by people who are good for your spirit.”
  4. “You are amazing for facing this with so much courage and hope.”
  5. “The most important thing right now is to focus on getting better…

What to say when someone is struggling?

A heartfelt “I’m sorry” goes a long way. People may shy away from saying, “I’m sorry” in response to someone’s misfortune because it might not feel like enough of an acknowledgment. But Miller says a genuine “I’m sorry” can go a long way to make your friend feel heard and validated.

How does hope affect our life?

Researchers examined the impact of hope on nearly 13,000 people with an average age of 66. They found those with more hope throughout their lives had better physical health, better health behaviors, better social support and a longer life.

Is Hope necessary for happiness?

Having hope feels good, but it’s also good for you. Their research shows that hope and optimism are distinct from one another, but both are important for happiness and well-being, says Lopez, who has studied hope in millions of people through his work with the Gallup polls.