How do I prepare for a car accident deposition?

How do I prepare for a car accident deposition?

Your Car Accident Deposition: 5 Things to Know

  1. Say as Little as Possible.
  2. Come Prepared.
  3. Know That The Defendant Wants to Lock You into a Specific Set of Facts.
  4. Remember That the Defendant’s Attorney Is Recording More Than Your Answers.
  5. Be Ready for the Defendant’s Attorney to Go Fishing.

Is Frost a deposition?

Frost is the deposition of water vapour from humid air or air containing water vapour on to a solid surface. Solid frost is formed when a surface, for example a leaf, is at a temperature lower than the freezing point of water and the surrounding air is humid. Snow is also deposition.

What’s an example of deposition?

One example of deposition is the process by which, in sub-freezing air, water vapour changes directly to ice without first becoming a liquid. This is how frost and hoar frost form on the ground or other surfaces. Another example is when frost forms on a leaf.

What is a liquid turning into a solid called?

The process of a solid becoming a liquid is called melting. (an older term that you may see sometimes is fusion). The opposite process, a liquid becoming a solid, is called solidification.

How can we change water into a solid?

When liquid water loses thermal energy, it undergoes freezing : changing state from a liquid to a solid. We see many examples of this in everyday life. Puddles, ponds, lakes, and even parts of oceans freeze when the water becomes cold enough. At low temperatures, Earth’s surface water freezes and forms solid ice.

What is a gas to a solid called?

The process of sublimation requires additional energy and is therefore an endothermic change. The enthalpy of sublimation (also called heat of sublimation) can be calculated as the sum of the enthalpy of fusion and the enthalpy of vaporization. The reverse process of sublimation is deposition (i.e., gas to solid).