How do I stop feeling spiteful?

How do I stop feeling spiteful?

Here are four powerful tips to reduce resentments and live a happier life.

  1. Think loving thoughts for the person you resent. You’re probably thinking, “You can’t be serious.” Hear me out.
  2. Check your motives and expectations.
  3. Be grateful.
  4. Stay open to different outcomes.

What is to spite someone?

1. Definition (v.) to bother or annoy someone. Examples I didn’t really want to listen to metal today, I just know my boss hates it so I did it to spite her. Take “to-spite-someone” Quiz.

How do you deal with spite?

Remember, you cannot control another person’s actions but you can control your reaction. Do not continue to react in ways that encourage the behavior. Do not, say, get angry, emotional, or become overly accommodating to avoid negative feelings. Instead, work on remaining calm and emotionally disengaging.

What does spite mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : petty ill will or hatred with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart. 2 : an instance of spite. in spite of.

What is the similar meaning of absorbed?

Synonyms for absorbed. abided. (also abode), accepted, bode.

What is the similar meaning of in spite of?

Synonyms for in spite of. despite, notwithstanding, regardless of, with.

What part of speech is in spite of?

After in spite of and despite, we use a noun, gerund (-ing form of a verb) or a pronoun.

What is the meaning of inspite and despite?

In spite of and despite have a similar meaning to although or even though. They express a contrast between two things. They are both more common in writing than in speaking.

Is it correct to say despite of?

Yes, you should use despite. The word despite is a preposition which takes a noun as its object, and doesn’t require of. Despite of is incorrect, and sounds distinctly non-native.

How do you use the word despite?

Despite sentence example

  1. Despite her fear, she wrapped her arms around him.
  2. He appeared relaxed, despite the danger.
  3. Despite the water, her mouth was dry and aching almost to the point of pain.
  4. Our vacation was a lot of fun, despite the cold weather.
  5. It gave off heat despite the black flames.

What is the difference between although and despite?

‘in spite of’, ‘despite’ and ‘although’ are all used to show contrast and are used for the same meaning. The only difference is the way they are used; the structure in which they are used. ‘in spite of’ and ‘despite’ are placed in front of a noun or pronoun: We had a great time in spite of the rain.

Where do we use even though in a sentence?

Even-though sentence example

  • The phone woke me up, even though it wasn’t very loud.
  • “I do care about you, Damian, even though you’re a total jackass,” she said.
  • She doesn’t want to give up, even though she knows she doesn’t have a legal right.
  • They could do their own cooking, even though it wouldn’t be as nice.