How do you congratulate a new mom and dad?

How do you congratulate a new mom and dad?


  1. “So happy for you two!
  2. “Ahhh!
  3. “You two deserve every bit of happiness this baby is going to bring you.”
  4. “So many happy and wonder-filled times ahead for you…
  5. “Warmest congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby girl!”
  6. “Love just got real.
  7. “Welcome to the world, little one!

How do you inform a blessed baby boy?

We are happy to share the news of the arrival of a wonderful baby boy/ girl in our home. God has been extremely kind in fulfilling our wishes, and we invite you to come and bless our little bundle of joy. Our family just got complete!

Is blessed with a baby boy?

Depending on who says the sentence, it would be better to write “You have been blessed with a baby boy” (said when the speaker is the person doing the blessing) or “You have blessed me/us/him/her/them with a baby boy.” (said when the speaker isn’t the blesser, making sure to select the best pronoun for the situation).

What do you say when announcing a baby?

Basic Pregnancy Announcements

  1. “The best is yet to come…
  2. “Welcoming our little one in (due date).”
  3. “Being pregnant means every day is another day closer to meeting the love of my life.”
  4. “And baby makes three.”
  5. “You + me = three.”
  6. “An adventure is about to begin.”
  7. “First came love, then came you.”

Have been blessed meaning?

If you say you’ve been blessed, you feel lucky to have something: health, love, fame, fortune, talent, etc. I’m very happy for you; the only time I feel blessed is when I sneeze. You can pronounce blessed as one syllable (“blest”) or as two (“bless-id”).

What’s the meaning of blessed?

adjective. consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified: the Blessed Sacrament. worthy of adoration, reverence, or worship: the Blessed Trinity. divinely or supremely favored; fortunate: to be blessed with a strong, healthy body; blessed with an ability to find friends. blissfully happy or contented.

What is the real meaning of blessing?

noun. the act or words of a person who blesses. a special favor, mercy, or benefit: the blessings of liberty. a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness. the invoking of God’s favor upon a person: The son was denied his father’s blessing.

What is another word for blessed?

In this page you can discover 98 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for blessed, like: glorified, lucky, divine, sanctified, joyous, blissful, religious, graced, fortunate, favored and enthroned among the angels.

What can I say instead of God bless you?

Synonyms for God bless you:

  • v. •cheers (verb) good luck.
  • Other synonyms: • Other relevant words: benediction, approving, blessing, grace, fluke, good fortune, boon, thanksgiving, approval, break, happy chance.

Who is blessed man?

From a Biblical point of view, a blessed person is first and foremost a man or woman who is in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and who no longer submits to the world but now submits to the word.

Is it OK to say stay blessed?

“ Stay blessed” is usually spoken with religious belief in mind, but can also just be a generic phrase. If you say this to someone, you are expressing that you would like for them to continue to have good things in life.

How do you bless someone in English?

bless somebody/something (formal) to call God holy; to praise God We bless your holy name, O Lord. bless somebody/something (old-fashioned) (informal) used to express surprise Bless my soul! Here comes Bill!

How do you use the word blessed?

When blessed is used as a verb, it is pronounced with one syllable (blest). Example: Before we ate, our uncle Tony blessed [blest] the meal….

  1. A blessed (blest or bles-id) family.
  2. A blessed (blest or bles-id) congregation.
  3. Higher Grounds Family Church – Blessed(blest or bles-id) Temple.

Is Have a blessed day grammatically correct?

Have a blessed day vs Have a bless day. “Have a blessed day” is correct, because in this example, the word “blessed” is an adjective. The past tense of a verb can sometimes be used this way, for example: “a cooked meal,” or “a mixed drink.”

What does the word blessed mean in Hebrew?

What are blessings in the Bible? Most blessings have to do with happiness and fulfillment from walking with the Lord! “Barak” is Hebrew for blessing. It is translated literally a “to kneel, to praise.” This word is used 289 times in the Old Testament. “Esher” is another word for blessing used in the Old Testament.

What is a biblical blessing?

A blessing in the Bible is God’s favour poured into your life. All good things come from God, and he promises to bless us with everything that we need: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33).

How do you say God bless in Yiddish?

The word used in Yiddish to refer to a Divine blessing is the Hebrew word ברכה. In Hebrew this word is pronounced b’racha, however in Yiddish this word is usually pronounced brucheh or brocheh.

How do you say God bless you in Navajo?

Diyin Bizaad yee nanitingi, baa íhoołʼaahgo God nikʼihadlíi doo!

What does Mazel Tov mean?

used to express congratulations