How do you deal with a psycho ex?

How do you deal with a psycho ex?

How To Deal With A Crazy Ex

  1. Make it clear that the relationship is over.
  2. Block them and all their spies on social media.
  3. Cut off all contact.
  4. Understand the difference between love and obsession.
  5. Sensitivity may be required if they suffer from genuine mental health problems.
  6. You may lose your current relationship.
  7. If things turn serious.

Why is my ex trying to get a rise out of me?

If your ex is trying to bring a reaction out of you, he’s clearly not happy about the breakup. He’s overwhelmed with negative post-breakup emotions and now needs time to deal with them at his own pace. It’s your moral responsibility to help your ex in whichever way you can.

What to do if your ex is obsessed with you?

The best technique for dealing with an obsessive ex is to avoid all contact.

  1. It is best to leave calls, texts, emails, etc. unanswered. Just ignore or delete them.
  2. If your ex sends you gifts or other items, do not acknowledge or return them. Just toss them out.

Why would an ex try to hurt you?

From my experience, the main factor as to why an ex tries so hard to hurt you is because they’re hurting too. They see you as superior to them because you moved on and they haven’t, and so that right there means they want to get you on their level, and they’re clinging on to you as you’re trying to walk away.

When exes get back together quotes?

Getting Back Together Quotes

  • “A true love story never ends.”
  • “True love has a habit of coming back.”
  • “It’s never too late to make things right.”
  • “If we love again, I swear I’d love you right.”
  • “We cannot start over, but we can begin now and make a new ending.”
  • “The sad thing is I would give you another chance if you simply asked.”

Is it OK to tell your ex you love them?

Is It A Good Idea To Tell Your Ex You Still Love Them? It’s normal to still love your ex following a breakup since they were part of your life, and telling them that you still have feelings for them can provide some closure if your ex is open to hearing your thoughts or even confesses how he or she feels.

How do you regain feelings for someone?

9 ways to reconnect to your loving feelings.

  1. Resist entering a critical mode.
  2. Treat your partner with kindness.
  3. Take advantage of what you love about your partner.
  4. Share lively, non-routine experiences.
  5. Maintain and support your and your partner’s individual interests.
  6. Talk personally.
  7. Don’t give up intimacy.