How do you deal with combative behavior?

How do you deal with combative behavior?

Strategies to Reduce Combativeness

  1. Maintain your composure: Be aware of your emotions, tone, and body language.
  2. Approach: Respond calmly and express support, use positive and friendly facial expressions.
  3. Active listening: Engage the resident to determine needs when possible.

What diseases can cause dementia?

The most common causes of dementia include: Degenerative neurological diseases. These include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and some types of multiple sclerosis. These diseases get worse over time.

What can aggression lead to?

Aggressive behavior can cause physical or emotional harm to others. It may range from verbal abuse to physical abuse. It can also involve harming personal property. Aggressive behavior violates social boundaries….You may experience brain damage as the result of:

  • stroke.
  • head injury.
  • certain infections.
  • certain illnesses.

Is it good to be aggressive?

Assertive behavior has respect at the very core of all communication – aggressive behavior has ego at the very core of well… everything. Assertive behavior is focused with a high listening acuity – aggressive behavior interrupts more than listens.

Is being assertive good?

Assertiveness can help you control stress and anger and improve coping skills. Assertiveness can help you express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view, while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others. Being assertive can also help boost your self-esteem and earn others’ respect.

Is aggression a bad thing?

It’s not always a bad thing; passive-aggressive behaviour is a way to retaliate if you’re at the wrong end of a power dynamic. Aggression is all about causing harm, but humans are so complex it doesn’t have to be physical harm; it can be psychological or emotional.

How do you deal with a violent person?


  1. Allow the Person to Talk. Try not to interrupt the client unless necessary.
  2. Do Not Turn Your Back on the Person.
  3. Keep the Escape Route Clear.
  4. Modify the Environment.
  5. Maintain Observations.
  6. Do Not Try To Be Brave.