How do you describe interest?

How do you describe interest?

Interest is used most often to describe something you like, enjoy or think useful. You might have an interest in African literature, or you might follow the news with interest. Although interest is used mainly to describe anything that is, well, interesting, it also is used in specific legal contexts.

What is the adjective of interesting?

adjective. /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ , /ˈɪntəˌrɛstɪŋ/ , /ˈɪntrɛstɪŋ/ attracting your attention because it is special, exciting, or unusual an interesting question/point/example interesting people/places/work interesting (to do something) It would be interesting to know what he really believed.

What is the adjective of difficult?

adjective. /ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlt/ , /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ 1difficult (for somebody) (to do something) not easy; needing effort or skill to do or to understand a difficult problem/task/exam It’s difficult for them to get here much before seven.

What is the root word of interesting?

The word interesting originally meant “of concern”; it was a synonym of important. It comes from the verb interest, which in its original use meant “to induce or persuade to participate or engage.” If you were interested in something, you were not willing to be a bystander; you felt the need to participate or engage.

What is interesting antonym?

interesting(adj) arousing or holding the attention. Antonyms: irksome, soporific, ho-hum, wearisome, ponderous, tiresome, insipid, putdownable, soporiferous, prosaic, pedestrian, deadening, slow, boring, jejune, tedious, prosy, narcotic, dull, uninteresting, earthbound.

What are the 50 examples of synonyms?

50 Examples of Synonyms With Sentences

  • Magnify – expand: He magnified their happiness like their pain.
  • Baffle – confuse, deceive: The bad news he received consecutively confused him.
  • Beautiful – attractive, pretty, lovely, stunning: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

How do you say someone is interesting?

Explore the Words

  1. intriguing. capable of arousing interest or curiosity.
  2. exciting. creating or arousing uncontrolled emotion.
  3. fascinating. capturing interest as if by a spell.
  4. riveting. capable of arousing and holding the attention.
  5. absorbing. capable of arousing and holding the attention.
  6. amusing.
  7. diverting.
  8. engrossing.

What are three synonyms interesting?


  • absorbing,
  • arresting,
  • consuming,
  • engaging,
  • engrossing,
  • enthralling,
  • fascinating,
  • gripping,

How do you use interesting?

Here is a general rule to help you remember the difference:

  1. When talking about yourself or your feelings, use the –ed ending. “I am interested in music.”
  2. When talking about others or something outside yourself, use the –ing ending. “That music is interesting.”

What is another word for brighten?

Brighten Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for brighten?

lighten glow
gleam illuminate
illumine shine
enliven irradiate
make brighter become bright

How do you say very positive?

Synonyms for Very positive

  1. extremely positive.
  2. highly positive.
  3. very good.
  4. most welcome.
  5. very favourably.
  6. very welcome.
  7. quite positive.
  8. very good thing.

How do you describe a positive person?

23 Adjectives and Idioms to Describe People Positively in English

  • A bubbly personality. someone who is very happy, perky, and often optimistic.
  • A ray of sunshine. a happy person who makes others happy; to be warm, kind, bright; someone who is a delight to be around.
  • A Type A personality.

What are some positive adjectives?

Positive Attitude Adjectives

  • Affectionate.
  • Agreeable.
  • Amiable.
  • Bright.
  • Charming.
  • Creative.
  • Determined.
  • Energetic.

How do you describe yourself?

To help you decide how to describe yourself in an interview, consider these examples:

  1. I am passionate about my work.
  2. I am ambitious and driven.
  3. I am highly organised.
  4. I’m a people person.
  5. I’m a natural leader.
  6. I am results oriented.
  7. I am an excellent communicator.

How do you introduce yourself in 50 words?

Here are some statements that recruiters love:

  1. “I am eager to learn.”
  2. “I am determined.”
  3. “I never give up until I get something right.”
  4. “I get on well with all kinds of people.”
  5. “I like to keep a positive attitude.”
  6. “Hard work doesn’t bother me.
  7. “I enjoy facing challenges.”
  8. “I like everything I do to be well-organized.”