How do you explain drugs to a 6 year old?

How do you explain drugs to a 6 year old?

Explain what drugs are, their functions, and which drugs are harmful or illegal. Stick to the facts. Don’t make drugs sound glamorous or fun, and don’t over exaggerate the harms. Always consider what is age-appropriate information for your child.

How do you say no to drugs?

Saying No to Alcohol and Drugs

  1. Look the person in the eye.
  2. In a firm voice, tell the person you don’t want to drink or use drugs. Say something like:
  3. Give a reason why you don’t want to drink or use drugs. Say something like:
  4. Ask the person not to ask you to drink or use drugs again.
  5. If you notice that someone does have drugs, leave the area.

How do I deal with my son smoking?


  1. Encourage your children to get involved in activities that prohibit smoking, including sports.
  2. Keep talking to your children about the dangers of smoking.
  3. Ask your children what they find appealing — or unappealing — about smoking.
  4. Discuss ways to respond to peer pressure about smoking.

How do you know if your kid is high?

If someone is actually high on marijuana, there may be some visible signs that they are under the influence: They may seem unsteady on their feet or appear dizzy. They could have bloodshot eyes. They might laugh inappropriately or seem silly for no reason.

How can you tell if you have smokers lips?

Smoker’s lips are characterized by vertical wrinkles around the mouth. The lips and gums may also become significantly darker than their natural shade (hyperpigmentation). Smoker’s lips can begin to occur after months or years of smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products.

How can I detox my lungs after quitting smoking?

Are there natural ways to clean your lungs?

  1. Coughing. According to Dr.
  2. Exercise. Mortman also emphasizes the importance of physical activity.
  3. Avoid pollutants.
  4. Drink warm fluids.
  5. Drink green tea.
  6. Try some steam.
  7. Eat anti-inflammatory foods.

How can I clean my lungs in 3 days?

Here are a few detox drinks that can help improve your lungs and overall health during the winter season:

  1. Honey and hot water. This powerful drink can help detoxify the body and fight off the effects of pollutants.
  2. Green tea.
  3. Cinnamon water.
  4. Ginger and turmeric drink.
  5. Mulethi tea.
  6. Apple, beetroot, carrot smoothie.

What is the fastest way to get mucus out of your lungs?

Home remedies for mucus in the chest

  1. Warm fluids. Hot beverages can provide immediate and sustained relief from a mucus buildup in the chest.
  2. Steam. Keeping the air moist can loosen mucus and reduce congestion and coughing.
  3. Saltwater.
  4. Honey.
  5. Foods and herbs.
  6. Essential oils.
  7. Elevate the head.
  8. N-acetylcysteine (NAC)

How can I detox my lungs naturally?

Ways to clear the lungs

  1. Steam therapy.
  2. Controlled coughing.
  3. Drain mucus from the lungs.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Green tea.
  6. Anti-inflammatory foods.
  7. Chest percussion.

What tea is good for your lungs?

Research suggests that ginger tea, green tea, black tea, eucalyptus tea, fennel tea, and licorice tea may reduce inflammation, relax your respiratory muscles, and boost your breathing, among other benefits.

What tea is good for bronchitis?

Drinking warm liquids Ginger tea may also help bronchitis symptoms, as ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Is chamomile good for lungs?

Since Chamomile plant contains great amounts of anti-inflammatory agents it can also be used to prevent and treat pulmonary fibrosis (11).

Does green tea clean your lungs?

Yes, one of the most popular healthy tea makes for an easy remedy to cleanse your lungs. Loaded with the goodness of polyphenols, green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that may help in reducing inflammation in the lungs.

Does chamomile have side effects?

Side effects. Most experts say chamomile is safe. It can cause drowsiness and, in large doses, vomiting. It also has the potential to trigger allergic reactions in people who are allergic to related plants in the daisy family, although such reactions are very rare.

Is it OK to drink chamomile tea everyday?

How do I include chamomile tea in my diet? Chamomile tea can be consumed any time of day, but may be best consumed in the evening for its relaxing effects and potential sleep benefits. Or, if you have diabetes, it could be worth adding a cup after your meals.