How do you say sorry about divorce?

How do you say sorry about divorce?

Example Letter #3. My heart aches for you at this trying time, and I felt that I must let you know how deeply sorry I am about your divorce. I know this must be a painful experience, and I hope it will not be long before the clouds start to lift. I don’t want to intrude, but I do want to be a supportive friend.

How can I be supportive to a friend?

5 practical ways you can be a supportive and caring friend

  1. Notice. Friends are often the first to notice any changes or signs that things might not be OK.
  2. Check In. Find a time that feels comfortable to check in with them to see how they’re going.
  3. Listen. Be ready to listen to your friend about what’s going on for them.
  4. Support.
  5. Seek Help.

How do I show my friend I care?

15 Ways to Show Your Friends that You Care

  1. Listen to their rants. One thing a friend needs is someone who will listen to their rants and dramas in life.
  2. Tell them how much you care.
  3. Appreciate and compliment them.
  4. Be there when they need you.
  5. Always communicate with them.
  6. Make time with them.
  7. Show them social media love.
  8. Celebrate their accomplishments.

What to say to a friend to let them know you care?

Send a few to a friend to remind them how much you care.

  • Send love from afar. “I just hugged you in my thoughts…
  • Hoping you have a great day.
  • Words aren’t always needed.
  • Just thought I’d check in.
  • I’m only ever a phone call away.
  • Thank you for bringing me joy.
  • You’re awesome!
  • Sharing is caring.

How do you tell a friend they matter?

In fact, every single person you will ever meet shares this common desire. They want to know they matter. Mattering a universal human need….

  1. See Them.
  2. Acknowledge Everyone.
  3. Listen With Interest.
  4. Ask Mattering not Matter-of-Fact Questions.
  5. Be Present.
  6. Believe in Them.
  7. Deliver Happiness (HT to Zappos)

How do you show love to a friend?

15 Ways To Show I Love My Friends

  1. Go On An Adventure. Nothing bonds people closer to one another than when they experience something new together.
  2. Host Dinner. Source:
  3. Celebrate Them.
  4. Encourage Them.
  5. Bake Them A Treat.
  6. Give A Gift.
  7. Let Them Know They Are On Your Mind.
  8. Say Thank You.

What do you say to make someone feel loved?

Here are 13 other things to say.

  • “I’m Proud Of You”
  • “You Make Me Want To Be A Better Person”
  • “I Love The Person I Am When I’m With You”
  • “Are You OK?”
  • “You Inspire Me”
  • “I Genuinely Appreciate You”
  • “I’m Sorry”
  • “I’ll Always Have Your Back”

What is a better word for proud?

Synonyms & Antonyms of proud

  • disdainful,
  • haughty,
  • highfalutin.
  • (also hifalutin),
  • lofty,
  • lordly,
  • prideful,
  • superior.

Is it weird to tell someone you’re proud of them?

Don’t worry! There really is no right or wrong way to tell someone you are proud of them as long as your heart is in the right place. When it comes down to it, telling someone you are proud of them is a matter of expressing your happiness and love for that person, their joy, and their accomplishments.

What’s a better word than proud?

What is another word for proud?

fulfilled gratified
contented delighted
glad pleased
satisfied appreciative
spirited dignified

What’s a word for being proud of yourself?

What is another word for proud of yourself?

self-satisfied conceited
proud pompous
smug egotistical
vainglorious vain
egotistic arrogant

How do you describe proud?

1 : having great self-respect or dignity He is too proud to beg. 2 : having a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction especially with a person’s own achievements or with someone else’s achievements : very pleased They were proud of their clever child.

What is it called when you are proud of yourself?

having or showing self-esteem. disdainful, haughty, imperious, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, swaggering. having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy. conceited, egotistic, egotistical, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain.