How do you spell Comingle?

How do you spell Comingle?

or co•min•gle v.t., v.i. -gled, -gling. to mix or mingle together; combine.

What does the word inferiority mean?

noun. the quality or state of being lesser or lower in rank, position, quality, etc.:Negative perceptions about the inferiority of generic drugs compared to brand name drugs were more pronounced among some segments of the studied population.

What’s another word for inferior?

What is another word for inferior?

lesser lowly
minor humble
mediocre menial
secondary second-class
subordinate unpretentious

What is inferiority in psychology?

In psychology, an inferiority complex is an intense personal feeling of inadequacy, often resulting in the belief that one is in some way deficient, or inferior, to others. An inferiority complex may cause an individual to overcompensate in a number of ways.

What does stagnation mean?

Stagnation is a prolonged period of little or no growth in an economy. Stagnation can occur as a temporary condition, such as a growth recession or temporary economic shock, or as part of a long-term structural condition of the economy.

What causes blood stagnation?

There are many causes of blood stasis. Too much or too little of something can cause an imbalance in our body. Too little nutrients, too much sugar, too little sleep, too much alcohol, can damage our cells and impair function. Lack of movement decreases the circulation of blood.

What is a stagnant person?

The definition of stagnant is someone or something that has little or no movement or activity.

What is another word for stagnation?

What is another word for stagnation?

immobility inaction
inactivity inertia
sluggishness unproductivity
calm dullness
lack of progress quiescence

What’s the opposite of stagnation?

What is the opposite of stagnation?

action activeness
movement alertness
industriousness assiduity
assiduousness sedulousness
conscientiousness drive

What is the opposite of stagnate?

Opposite of to become inactive or unchanging. boom. rise. build.

What’s the opposite of stagnant?

What is the opposite of stagnant?

active mobile
inconstant unstable
changeable in motion
on the move flowing
dynamic varied

What is the opposite of stagnant water?

stagnant. Antonyms: brisk, flowing, circulating, rapid, lively, agitated, seething, effervescent, restless.

How do you use stagnate in a sentence?

Stagnate sentence example

  1. Without war the world would stagnate and lose itself in materialism.”
  2. Our village life would stagnate if it were not for the unexplored forests and meadows which surround it.

How do you use stagnation in a sentence?

Stagnation sentence example

  1. Throughout Europe the 18th century was less an era of stagnation than of transition.
  2. Too much stability, however, finally changed into stagnation , and decay followed.
  3. Disunited, we can hope for nothing but stagnation , misery and ruin.

Is stagnancy a word?

Showing little or no activity or vitality; inactive or sluggish: a stagnant economy; a stagnant mind. [Latin stāgnāns, stāgnant-, present participle of stāgnāre, to be stagnant; see stagnate.] stag′nan·cy n. stag′nant·ly adv.

What is another word for captivating?

What is another word for captivating?

alluring bewitching
engaging attractive
charismatic charming
enchanting entrancing
fascinating beguiling

What does the word inclination stand for?

1 : a tendency to a particular aspect, state, character, or action the clutch has an inclination to slip. 2a : a deviation from the true vertical or horizontal : slant also : the degree of such deviation. b : an inclined surface : slope. c(1) : the angle determined by two lines or planes.

What does retort mean?

1 : to pay or hurl back : return retort an insult. 2a : to make a reply to.

What does tendency mean?

1a : a proneness to a particular kind of thought or action. b : direction or approach toward a place, object, effect, or limit.

What is short for I will?

1. the usual way of saying or writing ‘I will’ or ‘I shall’. This is not often used in formal writing. I’ll see you at about six o’clock.

What do will mean?

1 : a legal declaration of a person’s wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property or estate after death especially : a written instrument legally executed by which a person makes disposition of his or her estate to take effect after death. 2 : desire, wish: such as.