How do you spell commingling?

How do you spell commingling?

‘Commingled’ is the correct way to spell the term applied to collecting all material together for reprocessing, a waste industry expert has claimed.

What does Rufelly mean?

in a mournful or doleful way:I found myself sitting ruefully by the side of the road, near a little town in North Carolina, waiting for a tow truck.

What does bewildering mean?

: extremely confusing or difficult to understand an utterly bewildering experience a bewildering number of possibilities …

What is congealed blood used for?

Usually made with congealed pig (or duck) blood, blood curd can take the place of tofu or meat in a stir-fry dish, or it can be fried up and tossed on top of a bed of greens, or into a steaming hot soup broth.

What does semisolid mean?

: having the qualities of both a solid and a liquid : highly viscous.

What is semisolid gold?

Semi-solid is a misleading term that just means “hollow“. As in “not hard“. The chain is not solid through-and-through. It’s hollowed out inside, meaning it’s lightweight, could, and probably would, CRUSH! So doing a search for “14k solid gold chain” actually brings up chains that are not solid, nor even real gold.

What does it mean when a gold chain is hollow?

Hollow Gold Jewelry Hollow simply means there is an empty space inside. Jewelry of any material can be made hollow – for various reasons – but in most cases it is done to reduce amount of gold required. The less gold is used – the cheaper final price will be.

What does the word misshapen mean?

1 : having an ugly or deformed shape It is, in fact, a homely and misshapen little gray airplane that looks like it was cobbled together in someone’s garage.— Patricia Trenner. 2 : morally or intellectually deformed or distorted misshapen ideas of justice.

Is misshapen a real word?

adjective. badly shaped; deformed.

What’s another word for misshapen?

Misshapen Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for misshapen?

deformed distorted
crooked malformed
twisted contorted
grotesque warped
ugly wry

What is the definition of dwindle?

intransitive verb. : to become steadily less : shrink Their savings dwindled to nothing. a dwindling population.