How do you use alienate in a sentence?

How do you use alienate in a sentence?

  1. Don’t alienate yourself from the masses.
  2. The latest tax proposals will alienate many voters.
  3. We’d better not alienate ourselves from the colleagues.
  4. The govern-ment cannot afford to alienate either group.
  5. Disagreements can alienate teenagers from their families.

Is alienated co legit?

Extremely low quality, and false advertising. I purchased two necklaces, and a set of earrings from Alienated that are all advertised as stainless steel. This is not stainless steel jewelry, and I would not recommend purchasing from this company.

What is a sentence for coerce?

Coerce sentence example. He even managed to coerce the children into doing the dishes. When the king brought over a few Irish soldiers to coerce the English, Sarsfield came in command of them.

What does sin alienate us from?

God becomes angered at what is going on. God promises Eve that she will have to bare the hardship of child birth. Sin alienates us from others. Adam blames Eve and God for when he ate the forbidden fruit and God got mad, Eve blames the serpent for eating the forbidden fruit.

Why does sin alienate us from God?

Sin alienates us from God. Before we were saved, sin stood like a stone wall separating us from God. Because our God is holy, He can not be in the presence of sin. So when we sin and we revel and dwell in that sin and do not repent, we’re alienating ourselves from our Maker.

What is the meaning of coercive action?

In law, coercion is codified as a duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in a way contrary to their own interests. Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain/injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat.

How do I spell coercion?

: the act, process, or power of coercing They used coercion to obtain the confession.

What is non coercion?

: not using threats or force to achieve compliance : not coercive … the important role that noncoercive influence plays in the conduct of foreign policy. — Business and Economics.

How do you use the word coercion?

  1. He paid the money under coercion.
  2. The superpowers got what they wanted by coercion.
  3. He claimed he had only acted under coercion.
  4. He claimed the police had used coercion, threats and promises to illegally obtain the statement.
  5. They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.

What does cohorst mean?

To pressure, intimidate, or force (someone) into doing something. See Synonyms at force. 2. To bring about or gain by pressure, threat, or force: coerced agreement among the parties; coerced a confession from the suspect.

What is it called when you force someone to do something?

Frequently Asked Questions About force Some common synonyms of force are coerce, compel, constrain, and oblige. While all these words mean “to make someone or something yield,” force is the general term and implies the overcoming of resistance by the exertion of strength, power, or duress.

What does coercively mean?

If you use coercive measures to get people to join your club, it means that you intimidate or force people to make them feel like they have to join. When you’re coercive, you’re demanding obedience without much concern for what the people you coerce need or want.

What does repeal mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to rescind or annul by authoritative act especially : to revoke or abrogate by legislative enactment. 2 : abandon, renounce.

What legitimate means?

1 : accepted by the law as rightful : lawful a legitimate heir. 2 : being right or acceptable a legitimate excuse.

What expert means?

1 : having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience. 2 obsolete : experienced. expert.

What are some expert words?


  • specialist, authority, pundit, oracle, resource person.
  • adept, maestro, virtuoso, master, past master, professional, genius, wizard.
  • connoisseur, aficionado, one of the cognoscenti, cognoscente, doyen, savant.
  • informal ace, buff, ninja, pro, whizz, hotshot, old hand, alpha geek.
  • British informal dab hand.