How do you use paid off?

How do you use paid off?

Paid off sentence example

  1. He had access to his part much earlier than I did, so he was able to make some investments that really paid off .
  2. I almost have the ranch paid off .
  3. Bordeaux had been leading the horse along the ravine to spare its hooves, but it had been a risk that hadn’t paid off .

Is pay off a phrasal verb?

It Pays Off to Pay Off, so Take the Payoff and Pay Off Your Loans: Phrasal Verb Confusion. This installment will focus specifically on the combination of two words: “pay” and “off.” It’s amazing how many different meanings we can get out of just two words depending on the context and how we use them!

When can you say that your hard work has been paid off?

Your hard work is paying off. If all or most of the positive results are believed to have already occurred in the recent past, you would use the present perfect: Your hard work has paid off.

Is pay off one word?

payoff, pay off, paid off, payoffs, pays off, paying off- WordWeb dictionary definition.

What is a synonym for paid off?

What is another word for paid off?

took had effect
turned out well worked out
come off panned out
were successful was successful
been successful came off

What is another word for paid in full?

What is another word for paid in full?

liquidated cleared
paid out dished out
handed over parted with
laid out put up
forked over chipped in

What is another word for succeed?


What is another word for effort?


  • elbow grease,
  • exertion,
  • expenditure,
  • labor,
  • pains,
  • sweat,
  • trouble,
  • while,

How do you use the word effort?

Effort sentence example

  1. I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it.
  2. Some people just put more effort into distinguishing right from wrong than others.
  3. It took too much effort to look up at the sun to measure time.
  4. With a little effort she located a canteen.

How do you describe effort?

Definition of effort

  1. 1 : conscious exertion of power : hard work a job requiring time and effort.
  2. 2 : a serious attempt : try making an effort to reduce costs.
  3. 3 : something produced by exertion or trying the novel was her most ambitious effort.

What is a another word for hard work?

other words for hard-working assiduous. careful. conscientious. diligent. earnest.

How do you say a lot of effort?

Synonyms for Lot of effort

  1. great deal of effort.
  2. great effort.
  3. much effort.
  4. very hard.
  5. great efforts.
  6. major effort.
  7. many efforts.
  8. so much effort.

How do you say great effort?

21 ways to say “well done”

  1. I’m proud you’re on my team.
  2. Congratulations on a terrific job.
  3. You’re so helpful. Thank you.
  4. You continually improve. Well done.
  5. Thanks so much for your consistent effort.
  6. I really admire your perseverance.
  7. Your cheerful mood lifts the team’s spirit.
  8. You’re a champion.

How do you say well done to students?

Choose — and use — one of these 99+ ways to say “Very Good” to your students.

  1. You’re on the right track now!
  2. You’ve got it made.
  3. Super!
  4. That’s right!
  5. That’s good.
  6. You’re really working hard today.
  7. You are very good at that.
  8. That’s coming along nicely.

What does a job well done mean?

thoroughly cooked

Is well done a compliment?

You say ‘Well done’ to indicate that you are pleased that someone has done something good. ‘Well done,’ said Claud in admiration.

Is it well done or well done?

Answer: “Well done” is an adverbial phrase that answers the question “How was it done?” The noun “done” is described by the adverb “well.” In other words, an action was “done well.” “Well-done” is a compound adjective that describes a noun, such as a chicken, in terms of the completeness of its having been cooked.

Is there a difference between well and well done?

Steak? When it comes to nutrients there’s actually no difference between a steak that’s cooked rare or well done — the contrast is in the flavour and juiciness.

Is well done healthier than rare?

The answer: When it comes to nutrients – protein, iron, zinc, etc. – there’s no difference between steak that is cooked medium rare or well done. The concern is that meat cooked until it’s well done contains more potential carcinogens called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) than meat cooked for a shorter time.

What is the rarest you can cook a steak?

Also known as simply ordering a steak “extra rare,” a blue steak is just shy of serving the cut of beef raw (via Char-Griller). If you’re ordering a blue steak, it’s most certainly not getting to know the grill for too long, and the interior temperature probably isn’t much higher than 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is medium rare the best?

Everyone likes to order their steak differently, but when it comes to flavor, one level of doneness is a cut above the rest. If you want the most flavor and juice in your slab of meat, you should order you steak medium rare, not medium well or well-done. Other chefs agree that medium rare is the ideal order.

Is medium rare safe to eat?

If the fresh meat is a steak, roast or chop, then yes — medium-rare can be safe. That means the meat needs to reach 145°F internally and stand for three or more minutes before cutting or consuming. Unfortunately, even if preferred by foodies, there’s no way to guarantee the safety of rare meat.

Can medium rare make you sick?

No risk of sickness So eating that medium or rare steak isn’t going to make you sick. More to the point, cooking a steak to rare – an internal temperature of 135°F is heating the meat hot enough to kill the bacteria that cause those ailments in the first place.

Why do chefs like medium rare?

Most chefs regard beef cooked to medium-rare — with an internal temperature of 130-135F (55-57C) — as the best way to bring out flavour and retain moisture in tender cuts such as rib eye and top loin. Unlike rare, medium-rare allows time for the outside to caramelise and develop a sear.