How do you use supersede in a sentence?

How do you use supersede in a sentence?

Supersede in a Sentence 🔉

  1. In time, the features of the smartphone may supersede those of the personal computer.
  2. Kate hopes she can supersede her boss and take her position in the company.
  3. Since the new attendance forms supersede the previous documents, please shred all of the old forms.

Which is the best definition for the word superseded as it is used in the sentence?

Supersede is defined as to replace. An example of supersede is for a new person to take the place of the old class president. To cause to be set aside or dropped from use as inferior or obsolete and replaced by something else. To take the place of; replace or supplant.

What does not supersede mean?

to set aside or cause to be set aside as void, useless, or obsolete, usually in favor of something mentioned; make obsolete: They superseded the old statute with a new one.

What is superseded document?

Superseded documents: Superseded documents are those that have been subjected to minor and perhaps some major revisions, but the scope and intent of the document remains the same. The retention times for superseded documents will depend on the periodic review cycle time of the document.

What’s another word for supersede?

Some common synonyms of supersede are displace, replace, and supplant. While all these words mean “to put out of a usual or proper place or into the place of another,” supersede implies replacing a person or thing that has become superannuated, obsolete, or otherwise inferior.

What is another word for overrule?

Overrule Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for overrule?

cancel reverse
repeal override
quash rescind
disallow overturn
revoke annul

What is the opposite of supersede?

supersede. Antonyms: confirm, perpetuate, continue, introduce, supply. Synonyms: remove, displace, obviate, oust, recal, neutralize, overrule, suspend, supplant.

What is another word for override?

Override Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for override?

overrule cancel
quash revoke
countermand overturn
rescind annul
nullify repeal

What’s the meaning of override?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to ride over or across : trample overrode the thin line of defenders. 2 : to ride (an animal, such as a horse) too much or too hard.

What is the difference between override and overwrite?

If you’re replacing an implementation with another for some specific cases, it’s “overriding”. To “overwrite” something is to put something else in its place, destroying the thing overwritten. To “override” something is to cause something else to operate instead of it without harming or changing the thing overridden.

What does overrule mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to rule over : govern. 2 : to prevail over : overcome. 3a : to rule against.

What is an overrule in law?

1) A trial judge’s decision to reject a party’s objection–often, to a question for a witness or the admission of evidence. By overruling the objection, the judge allows the question or evidence in court.

What does it mean when a case is overturned?

of a court. : to disagree with a decision made earlier by a lower court The appeals court overturned the decision made by the trial court.

What happens when a case is overruled?

TO OVERRULE. To annul, to make void. This word is frequently used to signify that a case has been decided directly opposite to a former case; when this takes place, the first decided case is said to be overruled as a precedent, and cannot any longer be considered as of binding authority.

What is the difference between sustained and overruled?

When an objection is overruled it means that the evidence is properly admitted to the court, and the trial can proceed. When an objection is sustained, the lawyer must rephrase the question or otherwise address the issue with the evidence to ensure that the jury only hears properly admitted evidence.