How do you use the word disposition?

How do you use the word disposition?

Disposition in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Even though the old man appeared grumpy, he really had a pleasant disposition.
  2. His gloomy disposition aside, Jeremy is a very nice person.
  3. Whenever my uncle was feeling ill, his friendly disposition disappeared.
  4. Janice has a bright smile and a warm disposition.

What could be an example of disposition in life?

Someone’s disposition is their mood or general attitude about life. If your friend woke up on the wrong side of the bed, tell her that she might need a disposition makeover. An animal with an excellent disposition is friendly towards people. If you are cheerful, you’re often said to have a sunny disposition.

What does disposition mean in mental health?

n. a recurrent behavioral, cognitive, or affective tendency that distinguishes an individual from others.

What does the word disposition mean in legal terms?

The disposition on a criminal record is the current status or final outcome of an arrest or prosecution. Common dispositions are: Convicted: means you have plead or been found guilty by a court of law. Acquitted: means you have been found not guilty by a court of law in a criminal trial.

What is the difference between disposition and personality?

disposition: The predominant or prevailing tendency of one’s spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude. personality: the visible aspect of one’s character as it impresses others.

What does awaiting disposition mean in a criminal case?

Typically, awaiting disposition simply means the case is still pending and a final disposition or result has not been reached.

Can you sue a federal prosecutor?

If a prosecutor files such a case and the charges are dismissed, the defendant can sue for malicious prosecution and seek financial damages. The law that allows a malicious prosecution suit is aimed at preventing and addressing abuse of the legal process.