How do you write Happy Fathers Day?

How do you write Happy Fathers Day?

Firstly, Father’s Day is an officially recognized holiday and, in the United States at least, the official spelling of the holiday is in fact “Father’s Day.” Additionally, both AP Style and Chicago Style call for the the singular possessive “Father’s Day.”

How do you write Happy Father’s Day?


  1. “I love our family, and I love you.”
  2. “Happy Father’s Day to the man of my heart, the father of our children, the love of my life.”
  3. “Thank you for all the ways you go above and beyond every day for our family.
  4. “I’m so grateful to be sharing life, love and parenthood with a wonderful man like you.”

What do you say on Father’s Day post?

Father’s Day Card Messages for Your Dad

  • I’ll get right to the point — you’re a great dad, and you’re loved very much.
  • You really are the best, Dad.
  • Everything you’ve done makes me so proud to be in this family — I love you!
  • Hope all the love you’ve given to our family comes back to you a hundred times over today!

What can I say to my brother on Father’s Day?

Happy Father’s Day, Brother! Warm thoughts of you are filling my mind and my heart. You’re a great dad! For A Wonderful Brother-in-Law You’re more than just another relative. You’re a great addition to our family and a terrific father to your children.

How do you respond to Father’s Day wishes?

Fathers Day Thank You Messages from Dad “Your wishes have touched my heart and moved my soul…. A big thanks to you for sending me these beautiful wishes on Father’s Day.” “You have truly made my day with your wonderful Father’s Day wishes…. Thank you so much for making me feel so special.”

Why is Father’s Day so important?

Father’s Day is celebrated to mark the male parental contributions. It is an effort to recognize the continuation of Fathers in their child’s lives. Traces of Father’s Day goes back to the Middle Ages when the celebration of fatherhood was done with a customary day in Catholic Europe on March 19.

What date in June is Father’s Day?

June 20