How much interest can you charge on a Judgement?

How much interest can you charge on a Judgement?

How much interest can I add? The law allows you to add 10% interest per year to your judgment. To calculate this amount, multiply the unpaid judgment by 10%.

Is Post judgment interest simple or compound?

In California, for example, post-judgment interest is 10% simple per year, as specified in California Code of Civil Procedure section 685.010(a).

What is the federal post-judgment interest rate?

2.59 percent

What interest accrues on a New York judgment?


What is Post Judgement interest?

Post-Judgment Interest — interest on any judgment against the insured that accrues from the time the judgment is entered by the court to the time the actual payment is made.

What is the maximum interest rate allowed by law in New York?

25% per annum

What is the statutory interest rate in New York?

How do you compute simple interest?

You can calculate Interest on your loans and investments by using the following formula for calculating simple interest: Simple Interest= P x R x T ÷ 100, where P = Principal, R = Rate of Interest and T = Time Period of the Loan/Deposit in years.

How do you calculate interest per month?

To calculate the monthly interest, simply divide the annual interest rate by 12 months. The resulting monthly interest rate is 0.417%. The total number of periods is calculated by multiplying the number of years by 12 months since the interest is compounding at a monthly rate.

What is the formula for calculating compound interest?

The second way to calculate compound interest is to use a fixed formula. The compound interest formula is ((P*(1+i)^n) – P), where P is the principal, i is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of periods.

How long will it take $10000 to reach $50000 if it earns 10% annual interest compounded semiannually?

16.5 Years

How long will it take 1000 to amount to 1346 if invested at 6% compounded quarterly?

Answer Expert Verified and since it’s compounded quarterly, that is n = 4 times in a year. t = 4.99 years, or approximately 5 years. Checking: 1000(1.015)^(4×5) = 1000(1.015)^20 = 1346.8550 which makes sense since there is some rounding off error.

How long will it take money to double itself if invested at 5% compounded annually?

14.4 years

How can I double my money in 6 months?

Here are some best 5 ways to double your money fast.

  1. Stock Market. Investments made in the stock market have always given a high rate of returns to people.
  2. Mutual Funds (MFs)
  3. National Savings Certificates.
  4. Corporate Deposits/Non-Convertible Debentures (NCD)
  5. Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)

How many years will it take your investment to double with 2% interest rate?

For example, with a 9% rate of return, the simple calculation returns a time to double of eight years. If you use the logarithmic formula, the answer is 8.04 years—a negligible difference. In contrast, if you have a 2% rate of return, your Rule of 72 calculation returns a time to double of 36 years.