How old is Courteney Cox?

How old is Courteney Cox?

56 years (June 15, 1964)

Who was the first person to say TV?

Courtney Cox

Who was the first person to say period?

TIL that Courteney Cox was the first person to ever say “period” on national television in a Tampax commercial.

When was the word Period first used?


What does the saying period mean?

Period at the end of the sentence means, the things said in the sentence are definite and no change is allowed. For example, “I want the document without any errors, period” meaning that there should not be any errors in the document.

What does Periodt mean on Tik Tok?

Periodt: “Periodt” is a word used at the end of a sentence, meant to add emphasis to a point that has been made. It is often regarded as a more extreme or intense version of “period.” It is also often preceded by the words “and that’s on” to add further emphasis.

What do period Pooh mean?

“Period” or “period pooh” means “facts” or “exactly”. All in all, this generation has their own slang. Xavier Lovett, and 11 grader at Blythewood, also stated, “I don’t really use slang.

Why do Americans say aluminum?

It all began, apparently, when an indecisive British chemist by the name of Sir Humphrey Davy in fact coined the now archaic word “alumium” in 1808. However, referring to the element in his 1812 book Elements of Chemical Philosophy, he would use the word “aluminum”, much as Americans do today.

Why are full stops offensive?

In 2015, leading language expert Professor David Crystal published the book Making a Point, in which he explained that the full stop has become an “emotion marker” used to signify anger or annoyance. Full stops, he said, can cause the message to be perceived as “cold, angry or passive-aggressive.”

Are full stops rude?

As reported on 21 April: linguist Gretchen McCulloch, who wrote the book Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language, has also issued a warning that ending a sentence with a full stop is rude and aggressive. “If a person uses a full stop all the time, it’s fine,” she said.

Why do people text single dots?

To show time passing without anything being said they put in dots. If I send you a single dot in an SMS or chat it means, I’m here.

What does it mean when someone replies with a full stop?

A single word reply garnished with a full-stop is the universal sign that someone is about to snap, while full sentences punctuated with periods reads like a Head Prefect laying down the law.

What does 01 mean in texting?

The word o1 is used in Texting meaning only one.