How old is Kestis?

How old is Kestis?

Cal was only 12 years old during the purge, which puts him at 17 in the game. Historically, we see very few Padawans becoming Jedi Knights before the age of 20. Among those are Anakin and Ahsoka. Thanks to Cere and Cal’s hard efforts to retrieve the Jedi Holocron, his name joins the list of young Jedi Knights.

Is CERE a GREY Jedi?

No she’s just a former Jedi/Jedi. She had a mental lapse and gave in to the Dark Side for a short few moments, thats all. She doesn’t like the Dark Side thats why she cut herself off, she lost faith in her ability to not fall.

Does Darth Vader kill Cal Kestis?

Kestis tried to Force-pull his saber back to him, but Vader caught it in midair, activated it, and used it to stab Kestis in his rib.

Is Kanan a GREY Jedi?

Ezra and kanan are Jedi, they just arent part of the old and dismantled order.

Who was most powerful Jedi?

Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time

  • Kit Fisto (the one on the right)
  • Plo Koon.
  • Nomi Sunrider.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi. Mark Rain, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.
  • Mace Windu.
  • Revan.
  • Yoda.
  • Luke Skywalker.

Is Rey stronger than Luke?

Rey is not only more powerful than Luke, she possesses the strength of all the Jedi combined. Add that to the fact that she is a Palpatine and you have your answer. She was certainly far more precocious in her knowledge of the Force than Luke at about the same age.

Is Rey the strongest Jedi?

The Rise of Skywalker Made Rey the Ultimate Jedi – AND the Ultimate Sith. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, in theaters now. Following Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, all signs pointed to Daisy Ridley’s Rey being the most powerful Jedi of all time.

Why isn’t KYLO Ren a Sith?

For the Sith, they figured pretty much the same and attempted to lure Luke into becoming a Sith. Kylo considers these the failures of the Force. So thus since he is not a Jedi, he will not become a Sith Lord because of its failure and instead replaces them with the Knights of Ren.

Why didn’t Dooku tell Anakin that Palpatine was Darth Sidious?

He doesn’t tell Anakin when he’s about to kill him for one simple reason: it would have ended the movie right there. Because Count Dooku was in disbelief that Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious had ordered Anakin to kill him. After Anakin killed Dooku, Palpatine said Dooku was too powerful to be kept alive.

Was Darth Maul Palpatine’s apprentice?

Darth Maul was the first Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious. Sometime before the Invasion of Naboo, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious was trained by Darth Plagueis.

Why did Darth Sidious kill Count Dooku?

Darth sidious kills Dooku for a reason. Because it is the Sith way to kill your master once you’ve learned enough of his teachings… and that’s a problem for sidious since he wants to rule the galaxy, so he kills Dooku via Anakin to stay in power. And since Anakin was a powerful jedi. He had no need for teachings.

Who was Qui Gon’s master?

Count Dooku

How many times did Anakin fight Dooku?

In the movies they fight once in Attack of the Clones and have their final confrontation in Revenge of the Sith. In the Clone Wars however, they fight once in the Clone Wars movie, where Anakin forces a stalemate. Later in the series, they fight at least 5 times as far as I remember.

What would happen if Anakin didn’t kill Dooku?

If Anakin had refused to kill Dooku, Palpatine would know he was not ready. He would simply wait longer and continue to tempt Anakin until he made the decisions Palpatine expected of a potential Sith. Even though Palpatine will falter when this happens, he is still the master of improvisation.

What if Anakin killed Sidious?

If Anakin himself had killed Palpatine instead of Windu killing him and Anakin watching, Anakin would’ve had to reject Palpatine’s temptations of power to save Padme through the dark side. However, the Order would possibly expel Anakin for breaking many of its rules (such as being in a relationship with Padme).

What if Anakin never fell to the dark side?

We go for the more simple answer, further considering the details of the question itself. If Anakin didn’t go into that chamber as the Jedi confronted Palpatine, then Mace Windu would have defeated Palpatine, killing him. If you remember, Mace had him. He was ready to kill him.

What if Qui-Gon survived?

If Qui-Gon had survived the duel in The Phantom Menace, then he would have returned to train Anakin as planned. It is possible that Obi-Wan would still have been given the rank of Jedi Knight for assisting Qui-Gon in defeating Darth Maul.

How did Maul kill Qui Gon?

Qui-gon was a jedi master and clearly a skilled jedi warrior so how did darth maul kill him? But yet he was defeated by obi wan years later within 3 hits? He punched his face with his lightsaber, stunning him.

Why did Qui Gon not disappear?

Preserving your consciousness after death (becoming a force ghost) is not a given. It’s actually very hard to do. Qui-gon was actually the first person to ever do it, though he was only ever able to manifest himself as a disembodied voice.

Did Qui Gon die on purpose?

Qui-Gon died because Obi didn’t use Force Speed to get to him and help against a superior opponent. Related to Yoda being Obi Wan’s teacher, it’s strongly implied that it was Obi Wan’s pride which resulted in Anakin becoming his student, and that having Yoda train Anakin was an option he rejected.

What happened to Qui Gon Jinn’s lightsaber?

The lightsaber used by Qui-Gon Jinn during the Invasion of Naboo wasn’t as ornate as the weapon used by his former Master, Dooku. Obi-Wan temporarily gave Qui-Gon’s weapon to Anakin Skywalker after he had built a new lightsaber. Eventually the lightsaber ended up in a memorial in the Jedi Temple.

Why do Siths eyes turn yellow?

Sith Lords’s Eyes Turn Yellow When Corrupted by the Dark Side: The short answer is that Sith Lords get their eyes to turn yellow when they reach a certain point of corruption by the Dark Side.