How old was Reese Witherspoon when she had her first baby?

How old was Reese Witherspoon when she had her first baby?

Reese says she is “glad” she had kids so young. I got pregnant [with Ava] when I was 22. I delivered when I was 23. To be totally honest, it was scary.

Who is the father of Reese Witherspoon’s baby?

Ryan Phillippe

How tall is Ava Elizabeth Phillippe?

5 feet 3 inches

How tall is Deacon Phillippe?

5 ft 9 inches

Is Ava Phillippe in little fires everywhere?

You play Reese’s daughter in Little Fires Everywhere, and you look so much like her — the casting on that show is amazing. Have you met her real-life daughter, Ava [Phillippe]? I have, yeah. Ava actually came in and took photos of the homecoming episode [“Seventy Cents”] of us.

Why does Elle Woods wear a wig?

“She’d cut off her hair because it had gotten damaged from all the hot rollers, so they put her in a wig.” Fans will first notice the shift in the scene where Elle tells Warner off outside the courtroom — suddenly Elle has freckles, and her hair almost appears more red than blond.

Who auditioned for Legally Blonde?

Who was considered for Legally Blonde? Christina Applegate was in the running for the lead role. Sienna Guillory auditioned for the lead role. Katherine Heigl auditioned to play “Elle Woods”, but Reese Witherspoon won the role.

What did Elle Woods need to get on the LSAT?

So, Elle Woods got a 179 on her LSAT after previously getting a 143 on a practice test. A 143 is below average (the average LSAT score being 150). Bringing that up to a 179, just one point shy of a perfect LSAT score of 180, is certainly impressive!

Can you get into law school with a 2.7 GPA?

You can still make it into law school but you need AT LEAST a 148 for them (an accredited/ranked law school) to view your application. Keep in mind that scores in the 140s, get little to no scholarships. Law schools generally do not take students more than three points below their Median Score LSAT score.