Is blogger a good job?

Is blogger a good job?

I will conclude by saying a career in blogging is a wonderful prospect. However, it is not that easy, and the success rate is just 2% – 3%. Most of the bloggers in India fail because they think blogging is some get-rich-quick scheme. You need a lot of patience and hard work before you start generating any revenue.

Is blogging still profitable?

Blogging is freakin’ profitable because you can spend an hour or two writing an article and it can continue to get traffic over a series of weeks, months, and even years. The time that you spend on your blog will pay you back handsomely over time.

What do bloggers do all day?

Even though *most* of our blogging days are full of writing, editing, and marketing (all that fun stuff), a lot of bloggers also participate in major local events, celebrity interviews, and sponsored trips!

Are blogs free?

Blogging isn’t free. And if you want to host a blog on your own server with your own domain name, you can do so for under $50 a year. Check out my list of the best web hosts to find the right hosting plan for your blog. But if you are trying to make money from your blog, you will have to spend money to make it.

How good is Wix for blogging?

Wix is yet another amazing blogging platform for creating stunning websites. With plenty of easy drag and drop templates and free site hosting, Wix is one of the best free blog sites to start a new blog. It is user-friendly yet it may take a while for the beginners to come through multiple features.

Is Blogger still a thing?

Yes! Blogging is absolutely still relevant in 2021. In fact, roughly 409 million internet users read about 20 billion blog pages monthly. This is why 53% of marketers prioritize blogging as their primary content marketing strategy.

Should I use Blogger or WordPress?

In a nutshell, the Blogger platform is better than WordPress when you are creating a blog for no other reason than you want to write. If you are OK with the limited features offered by the Blogger platform, then this is a great choice. For making money or creating a long term impact, WordPress platform is better.

Which is better medium or blogger?

Blogger is a free blogging platform by Google that allows your blog to run ad-free, which means you can remove ads from your site, unlike WordPress. Medium, on the other hand, has a clean and minimalist design to offer you a better writing experience. All the tools on Medium are WYSIWYG.

Do I need hosting for Blogger?

If you’re looking to build a serious business online, you must host your own blog to maintain full ownership and control of it. If you intend to use your website for commercial purposes then you should avoid using free hosting platforms.

Is it worth paying for a blog?

As long as you monetize your blog, you can make money online. And there are a number of ways to monetize your blog from affiliate marketing and advertising, to selling digital products and services. Any extra cash you bring in is a win, so starting a blog is definitely worth it if that’s your goal.

Should I pay for blog hosting?

Getting hosting that is easy to use can make a huge difference in the time it takes to launch your project. It can also affect how much time you have to spend to maintain your website or blog. If you want to be able to update your site or blog every single day, then having web hosting that is easy to use is a must.

How do I choose a blog host?

When choosing a web host for your blog, you need to keep in mind 3 important factors: Uptime – If your website goes down, it hurts your traffic and your reputation. Uptime should be a minimum of 99.94%. Speed – You need hosting for your blog that loads quickly, or you’ll lose readers and search engine rankings.