Is it abandon or abandoned?

Is it abandon or abandoned?

abandon, desert, and forsake mean to give up completely. abandon is used when someone has no interest in what happens to the person or thing he or she has given up. She abandoned the wrecked car on the side of the road. desert is used when a person leaves something to which he or she has a duty or responsibility.

What does moil mean?

moil. noun. Definition of moil (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : hard work : drudgery. 2 : confusion, turmoil.

What does Trice mean?

a brief space of time

What does chirping mean?

The meaning of the slang word “Chirping” is a way of insulting an indivudual or being disrespectful. The etymology of the slang term word “Chirping” has only been around for a few years. Often the term will be heard in settings of high schools or groups of indivuals that tend to be younger.

What is Chirp used for?

A chirp is a signal in which the frequency increases (up-chirp) or decreases (down-chirp) with time. In some sources, the term chirp is used interchangeably with sweep signal. It is commonly applied to sonar, radar, and laser systems, and to other applications, such as in spread-spectrum communications.

Why Do Birds Chirp?

Here’s the lowdown: Birds chirp to communicate, and you can blame that initial morning song on the males, who sing to announce that they are alive, alert and ready to defend their territory. Apparently, the earlier they make that announcement, the better.

How do you spell chirp chirp?


  1. 1 : to make a chirp or a sound resembling a chirp chirping birds …
  2. 2 : to utter (something) with a cheerful liveliness She sang three songs …

How do you spell circle?

Correct spelling for the English word “circle” is [sˈɜːkə͡l], [sˈɜːkə‍l], [s_ˈɜː_k_əl] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What are the 7 letter words?

7-letter words

  • ability.
  • absence.
  • academy.
  • account.
  • accused.
  • achieve.
  • acquire.
  • address.