Is it common practice to tip movers?

Is it common practice to tip movers?

A: Tipping movers is optional, but most homeowners adhere to the customary practice. A general guideline is to tip $10 minimum per mover for a half-day (four hours) of service, or $20 for a full-day (eight hours) of service.

Is it better to move with boxes or totes?

Plastic totes may seem like a great idea, but oftentimes totes will buckle and crack under normal amounts of weight. It’s better to use moving boxes, which do a better job of absorbing the weight and keeping the load tight.

How heavy should a moving box be?

50 pounds

Do cardboard boxes attract bugs?

Cardboard Boxes and Paper Cockroaches and silverfish are just some of the bugs that love paper products while termites munch on the glue holding cardboard boxes together.

Will killing a cockroach attract more?

The myth that killing a cockroach will spread its eggs isn’t true, but killing a cockroach with force can attract more. But that can be used to your advantage if it brings bugs out of hiding to be eliminated.

Do cardboard boxes attract cockroaches?

Keep in mind that storing food in cardboard boxes won’t keep roaches away. Roaches are attracted to cardboard, which is why we recommend storing your food in plastic sealed containers.

Should I keep cardboard boxes?

Unless you have a special reason for storing cardboard boxes, you should always flatten them and take them for recycling. It will save you space, reduce the risk of fire and help banish various nasties from your home.

Are Lego boxes worth keeping?

For storage most set boxes these days are useless so there’s no point saving them for that. If you think there’s a chance you might sell a set in future then it’s worth keeping the box. Used sets, especially larger ones like the Creator Expert series, sell for more if they have box and instructions with them.

Should you keep the box your TV came in?

The only valid reason to keep tech boxes is if you frequently upgrade your devices and sell your used items. In that case, keeping the original packaging will probably increase their value. Television boxes are also likely to be stashed away for safekeeping but never used again.

Should I keep old boxes?

Most stores require that you include everything that came with the item when you return it, including the box, so be sure to check the store’s return policy before throwing everything away. You should also keep the box for anything that’s relatively high in value, like a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.