Is Kuwait still a combat zone?

Is Kuwait still a combat zone?

The following countries are currently recognized as combat zones: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. For a complete list visit

Is Kuwait a combat deployment?

Combat – Kuwait? No. Kuwait is no longer an IDP location. It is identified as a CZTE location only (meaning your pay is tax free).

Do you get hostile fire pay in Kuwait?

Members exposed to hostile fire will receive the full monthly amount of $225, regardless of the number of days they served in the area. Members cannot receive both IDP and HFP in the same month….Imminent Danger Pay Locations.

Area Kuwait
Includes Land area and airspace
Effective Dates (From – Through) Aug 06, 1990
May 31, 2014

What extra pay do you get when deployed to Kuwait?

Those service members who have involuntarily extended their tours in Iraq and Kuwait combat zones receive an additional $200 in hardship duty pay and another $800 in assignment incentive pay for a total of an extra $1000 a month.

Is Kuwait a tax free deployment?

As of 2014, Kuwait is not an eligible area for hostile fire or imminent danger pay. Although the IRS lists it as a CZTE area, the DOD FMR, volume 7A, chapter 44 has a sentence about SM have to qualify for those special pays in order to have wages treated as tax free.

What extra pay do I get when deployed?

The military provides bonus pay for dangerous work As of 2018, a military member assigned to or deployed to a combat zone receives bonus combat pay (officially called “hostile fire” or “imminent danger pay”), at a rate of $225 per month. It is in addition to their regular pay rate.

How much money can you save on deployment?

Military Savings Deposit Program (SDP) This Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored savings account offers qualified deployed military 10% interest on their deposit up to $10,000. It’s officially known as the DoD Savings Deposit Program (SDP).

How do deployed soldiers file taxes?

Getting Started with Taxes While Deployed File returns in your permanent home state. If you are stationed somewhere other than your permanent home address, in most cases you will still pay state taxes to your home state.

Where do I find combat pay?

The combat pay is not taxable, but it’s shown on your husband’s W-2, here in box 12, with Code Q.

Do soldiers get hazard pay?

Members of the military who volunteer for these hazardous positions include pilots, SEALs, divers, parachutists, and more. To compensate U.S. service members who are assigned these high-risk duties, the armed forces usually issues a special payment of $150 per month, known as hazardous duty incentive pay.

Can soldiers use cell phones in Afghanistan?

A soldier is usually allowed free 15-minute “morale calls” to call family back home. In addition, soldiers may also be allowed to use a personal GSM cell phone or satellite phone to call back home.