Is north facing house is good or bad?

Is north facing house is good or bad?

According to Vastu Shastra, east, north and north-east-facing homes are most auspicious. However, this is not the sole determinant for the entry of positive energy into your household. The north direction is dedicated to Kuber, the God of wealth and going by this logic, north-facing homes should have been most popular.

What are the disadvantages of south facing house?

Some of these doshas are:

  • A cut in the south-west direction.
  • Underground water tank or borewell in the SW.
  • Cut or extension in the west and a large opening or windows in western direction.
  • Main entrance door/ gate in SW.
  • Kitchen in SW.
  • Slope in SW direction.

Why we should not buy south facing house?

South facing door brings in sharp energy which disturbs positive energy field of the house. That is why in Japan, Geisha houses are always facing west. North West facing door is not so bad. It can bring in health, wealth and prosperity if supported by other vastu rules.

Is it OK to buy south facing house?

Vastu shastra is a prevalent factor that homeowners consider when buying and designing homes. While buyers tend not to favour south-facing houses, that doesn’t mean such a house can’t be made auspicious. South-facing house vastu principles allow positive energy and good luck to permeate a south-facing home.

Can we live in south facing house?

Somehow, South facing houses have earned a very bad reputation. Worse still, South facing sites and houses are usually rejected. However this is just a wrong misconception. In fact as per Vastu Shastra, a South facing house/site can be very auspicious provided certain Vastu principles are applied correctly.

What does it mean if a house is south-facing?

The main advantage of a south-facing house or garden is the amount of sunlight you’ll enjoy. As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the south side of any house will see the most hours of sunlight during the day – especially in the Northern Hemisphere – so a south-facing garden takes advantage of this.

Can main door face south?

The main door/entrance should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west, as these directions are considered auspicious. Avoid having the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions..

Does Vastu really matter?

Vastu Shastra may not be essential for living, but it is helpful for a better and healthier life. It is the science of environment you live in. The energy generating in the environment you live will define the energy you build in you and your mind.

Which side should the toilet face?

The best direction of the toilet seat, according to Vastu, is in the south-east or north-west side. This should be in such a way that a person using it is not facing either the east or the west.

How can I remove Vastu dosh at home?

10 Proven Vastu Dosh Remedies by Best Vastu Shastra Experts

  1. Place a painting to welcome positive vibes in your home.
  2. Remove negativity by placing wind chimes at the entrance.
  3. Surround your home with colorful crystal balls.
  4. Use authentic sea salt to remove negativity.
  5. Place a horseshoe at the entrance of your home or office.
  6. Camphor balls can remove negativity.

What happens if you dont follow Vastu?

There is no likelihood that if house is not constructed according to Vastu, residents will fail in life. But, after construction and once you start living there, observe the problems you are facing. There is no likelihood that if house is not constructed according to Vastu, residents will fail in life.

How can I increase my luck as per Vastu?

8 Vastu Tips for Money, Prosperity & Financial Success at Home

  1. Importance of Kuber Yantra in the north, east and north-east of your home.
  2. Lockers and the main safes in the south-west zone.
  3. Keep your home clutter free.
  4. Keep your main doors free of repairs.
  5. Water fountains & small aquariums in the north-east.

Why do Indian homes face east?

The ideal home [based on Indian culture], the front door should face east and the back door should face west, because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Which floor is best in apartment as per Vastu?

The floor level difference should be balanced. It should not be too low as a downfall pit or not too high. As per vastu rules, the front portion of the house should be constructed low and the back area should be on a higher point. Hence a main gate facing north or east facing is considered good.

Which floor is best for health?

Healthier Flooring

  • Use solid surface flooring instead of carpet.
  • Choose FSC-certified solid wood.
  • Use natural linoleum or tile made in the U.S.
  • Choose low-VOC finishes and sealants.
  • Look for NAF-certified products.
  • Install without glue; use nail-down or click-lock.
  • Avoid laminate, vinyl flooring and synthetic carpeting.

Where should Fridge be placed as per Vastu?

According to vastu, the refrigerator should be placed in the south-west direction and at least a foot away from the corners. Avoid placing it in the north-east direction.

Where should we face while cooking?

Cooking should be done in the South-East corner or on the East side of the Kitchen. It is best to cook while facing East but facing North is also all right.

Which direction we should not sleep?

The recommended sleeping direction per vastu shastra is that you lie down with your head pointed southward. A north-to-south body position is considered the worst direction.

Which direction should a washing machine go?

As per Vastu for bathroom, the door should not be in the southwest direction of the bathroom. 6. For keeping the washing machine, the suitable directions are southeast and northwest.

Can I face north while cooking?

One must always face the east while cooking. Therefore, cooking appliances like microwave ovens and gas stoves need to be aligned along this direction, adds Madhuri. Place the kitchen sink along the north or north east direction. Don’t place it on the same or parallel direction as that of the cooking platform.

Which direction is best for gas stove?


Can we place gas stove in west direction?

The gas stove should not face the kitchen entrance. The kitchen door should not be in a corner. A kitchen should not be built in the north-east direction of your house. You should not face the west while cooking as it may subject you to various health problems.

Which is the best direction for master bedroom?


Which direction is best to sleep for couples?

The best sleeping position for couples as per Vastu is to keep the head towards the south, southeast, or southwest. It is strongly advised not to keep the head towards the north while sleeping. It can make you stressed and exhausted.

Which side is best for bedroom?

Direction of bedroom, according to Vastu. The master bedroom should ideally be located in the south-west corner of the home, as it is linked with good health, longevity and prosperity. North-west is also a good option and suits the guest bedroom or your children’s bedroom best.