Is supposed to grammatically correct?

Is supposed to grammatically correct?

Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Although suppose to crops up frequently in casual speech and writing, it should not be used in that sense. Suppose (without the d) should only be used as the present tense of the verb meaning to assume (something to be true).

Are not supposed to be meaning?

a phrase indicating that someone or something is not meant to do something.

Is supposed to or was supposed to?

As to the use of was/is, context from the rest of the passage will determine that: are you writing in the present or past tense? If Mary is no longer believed to be an insomniac, then she was supposed. If she currently has insomnia, then she is supposed to.

Is supposed to be meaning?

1 : to be expected to do something They are supposed to arrive tomorrow. She was supposed to be here an hour ago. The movie was supposed to earn a lot of money at the box office, but it didn’t. 2 : to be intended or expected to be something The party was supposed to be a surprise.

Where do we use supposed to?

It is used to say something is expected. Example: I am supposed to get to work at 8 am. Example: You are supposed to do your homework daily. ‘Supposed to’ is used to say that something was to happen or take place, but actually did not happen.

Is supposed synonym?

Supposed Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for supposed?

reputed assumed
ostensive purported
specious asserted
declared hypothetical
likely presupposed

Was were going to and supposed to?

When we speak of the verb “Supposed” it implies that someone expects us to do some activity in the past or the future. We use was/were going to, to talk about plans we made in the past which didnʼt happen, or wonʼt happen in the future.

Was were going to grammar?

Form : ( Was / were going to + infinitive (verb 1) ) In English we use was / were going to to talk about plans we made in the past which didn’t happen, or won’t happen in the future. Examples sentences : I was going to visit my aunt when I went to England, but she had gone to Spain for the summer.

What is another word for allegedly?

What is another word for allegedly?

apparently purportedly
supposedly ostensibly
reportedly reputedly
assumedly avowedly
declaredly presumably

What is another word for purportedly?

Purportedly Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for purportedly?

seemingly ostensibly
apparently supposedly
outwardly superficially
allegedly putatively
evidently presumably