What can I expect on my restricted driving test?

What can I expect on my restricted driving test?

Restricted test The remaining 15 minutes is used to check the safety of the vehicle prior to driving and to provide feedback. Test applicants will be expected to demonstrate that they have basic driving skills, can recognise and respond to a range of common road hazards and can drive safely in higher speed zones.

What do I need to bring to my restricted driving test?

You need to bring: Your current driver licence. If you’re sitting your test using a temporary (paper) driver licence you’ll also need to bring some photo ID that lets the Testing Officer confirm who you are (like a passport). Glasses or contact lenses if you need to wear them for driving.

When may you pass on the left at an intersection?

Passing on the left at an intersection with one lane on your side of the road. In this situation, you can pass on the left if there is enough room in your lane for you to pass and the vehicle you are passing: has stopped, or. is signalling a right turn, or.

How do I make sure I pass my driving test?

Top 10 Tips to Pass Your Driving Test

  1. Find the right instructor for you.
  2. Always look for learning opportunities.
  3. ‘Show me, Tell me’ questions.
  4. Driving test routes.
  5. Practice, practice and practice some more.
  6. Revisit your theory.
  7. Mock test.
  8. Stay calm and don’t panic.

Is passing your driving test hard?

Overall London is one of the harder places in the UK to pass your test. The centre with the highest pass rate in London is Ashford, but with only 49.21 per cent of hopefuls passing it is well below the average pass rate across the UK of 54.4 per cent.

How many faults can you get on a driving test?


Will I fail my driving test if I roll back?

If you roll back, then you’re not in control of the car. Not being in control is enough to get you a serious fault on your driving test. In reality, a very small roll back is likely to go unmarked on the test, though if it happens repeatedly or at the wrong time, it may get picked up.

Do you fail your driving test if you can’t do a maneuver?

Essentially, the only way a manoeuvre can fail the driving test is if you do something wrong. The fact that they are confined to a small area and are completed extremely slowly means you have a high level of control. Manoeuvres should be practiced until completely confident you can do each one of them successfully.

How do I not fail my driving test?

Adjust your position as necessary so that you can safely deal with hazards ahead and behind. Avoid moving in and out between parked cars unnecessarily. Position yourself in the correct lane early and avoid unnecessary lane changes. Keep to the middle of any lane markings if possible.

Is hitting the KERB a fail?

Generally speaking, hitting the kerb during a driving test is a big no no. From the examiners point of view it is classed as a lack of control. Gently hitting a kerb for one examiner could be an immediate fail, for another a simple minor.

Do you have to put handbrake on at traffic lights?

When Stopped – When you stop at a junction, or at traffic lights, you might want to apply your handbrake. It’s a good idea to do so if you feel you’ll be stopped for a while, or if you’ve stopped on an incline.