What can I say instead of Im sorry?

What can I say instead of Im sorry?

I Desire

How do you indirectly say sorry?

Here are 15 ways to say “I’m sorry” to someone you love.

  1. I’m feeling defensive.
  2. I’m not talking to you like you are someone I love.
  3. I know I’m sounding angry, but I’m feeling extremely threatened.
  4. I know you’re feeling harassed.
  5. I’m afraid if I say I’m sorry, you’ll make everything my fault.
  6. I’m sorry.

How do I say sorry to a girl I love?

Express Your Remorse So you say, “I was wrong. I am sorry that I hurt your feelings, and I feel terrible that I have done something that has hurt you.” (It will help here if you actually look remorseful.)

What are different ways to say sorry?

Here are six other words for saying sorry.

  1. My Apologies. My apologies is another word for “I’m sorry.” It’s rather formal, so it’s fine for business contexts.
  2. Pardon/Pardon Me/I Beg Your Pardon. Pardon is a verb which means to allow as a courtesy.
  3. Excuse Me.
  4. Mea Culpa.
  5. Oops/Whoops.
  6. My Bad.

How do you make a girl forgive you for hurting her?

How to Ask Your Girlfriend for Forgiveness

  1. Offer a sincere apology. . The first thing to do is apologize.
  2. Write her a letter. .
  3. Tell her you love her. .
  4. Give her some time. .
  5. Communicate. .
  6. Go out of your way for her. .
  7. Try to make it up to her. .
  8. Have patience. .

How can I make her happy again?

Gift ideas to make your girlfriend happy:

  1. Tell her that you love her. Hold her hand, look deeper into her eyes, and say those three words with eight letters.
  2. Write a love letter or leave little notes.
  3. Surprise her with flowers.
  4. Send her sweet text messages.
  5. Call her.
  6. Respect her.
  7. Make her feel secure.
  8. Compliment her.

How do I convince my girlfriend to break up with me?

7 Ways to Get Your Girlfriend Back After a Break Up

  1. Meet up with her in person and get her to feel a renewed sense of respect and attraction for you, forgive you and become open to being with you again.
  2. Redefine the relationship and start again.
  3. Make her feel jealous by enjoying your life without her.
  4. Get her to have sex with you one last time.

How avoid break up?

Also, “fully accept each other,” says Gina. “Start with accepting yourself and then allow that to spill over to your partner.” While being real about what bothers you or hurts you in a relationship is important, it’s possible to take it too far and venture into nagging, or, worse, critical territory.

How do I convince my boyfriend not to break up with me?

Let your boyfriend know that you understand his reasons for wanting to break up but that you need a little more time. Ask him for one more week together, and if he still wants to break up after that week, don’t protest it. He may also refuse to give you an extra week. In this case, you should respect his reply.