What defines workplace harassment?

What defines workplace harassment?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines harassment as unwelcome verbal or physical behavior that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender/gender identity, nationality, age (40 or older), physical or mental disability, or genetic information.

What is second hand harassment?

The meaning of sexual harassment has been expanding and may soon embrace “second-hand harassment” — a notion similar to second-hand smoke. An example of second-hand harassment is the downloading of “offensive” — usually adult — material onto a computer screen that someone else might glimpse.

Is quid pro quo a legal term?

[Latin, What for what or Something for something.] The mutual consideration that passes between two parties to a contractual agreement, thereby rendering the agreement valid and binding. In common usage, quid pro quo refers to the giving of one valuable thing for another.

What are examples of quid pro quo harassment?

Examples of Quid-Pro-Quo Sexual Harassment

  • A supervisor requesting sexual favors as a condition for hiring, promotion, advancement, or opportunities.
  • A manager threatening to terminate, transfer, demote, or otherwise adversely affect an employee’s work life if sexual favors are not given or continued.

What is quid pro quo and hostile environment harassment?

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a harasser is in a position of authority over the person being harassed. Sexual harassment that creates a hostile work environment includes words or actions that are so severe and pervasive that they create a work atmosphere that is abusive and intimidating.

What age group is protected against age based harassment?

40 or older

What is age related harassment?

Age harassment involves unwelcome and offensive conduct in the workplace that is based on a person’s age (age 40 or older). The harasser can be a supervisor, a co-worker, or someone who does not work for the employer, such as a client or customer.

Is mandatory retirement legal?

Mandatory retirement is generally unlawful in the United States, except in certain industries and occupations that are regulated by law, and are often part of the government (such as military service and federal police agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation).

What is the protected age group?

In the example above, the recent college graduate wouldn’t be suffering from age discrimination because neither federal nor California state law protects workers under the age of 40 from age discrimination. Under the law, the protected class for age is people aged 40 and older.

Can you sue for age discrimination?

If you’ve been treated differently at work based on your age, you may have grounds to sue your employer. Federal law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees who are at least 40 years old. (For information on age discrimination in general, see Your Rights Against Age Discrimination.)