What did Thanos mean when he said cursed with knowledge?

What did Thanos mean when he said cursed with knowledge?

Knowledge can be a burden after a limit. If you have knowledge of too much (or everything), you know the truth about many things and that can be depressing. So, knowledge can be a curse which is shared by both Thanos and Iron Man. Therefore, Thanos said that knowledge is a curse shared by both of them.

What does Thanos say to Thor?

So, if you remember, Thanos has just got the final Infinity Stone in his big gauntlet, Thor has chucked his hammer-axe into his chest, but Thanos tells him “You should’ve aimed for the head”, before clicking his fingers.

Was Thanos afraid of Odin?

No, Thanos is actually not afraid of anyone, but he sure did avoid Odin. Thanos is an extremely intelligent being, and he knows how strong Odin is.

Who is Thanos most afraid of?

The Hulk

Who does Thanos fear the most?


Which is the most strongest Infinity Stone?

Space Gem

Can Thanos beat Ultron?

Thanos definitely has a much higher body count but Ultron is no slouch, either. Both of them are extremely dangerous foes that are just about impossible for single heroes to defeat on their own.

Why did Thanos want to kill Tony Stark?

When fighting on Titan, Thanos seemed to be quite impressed with Tony’s new nano tech upgrades. He knew that Tony came prepared and wasn’t going to go down that easily. So Thanos knew that if Tony had all of this preparation, he was still willing to kill him as deep down he knew that someone like Tony posed a threat.

Did Dr Strange know Tony was going to die?

Yes, Doctor Strange did know that Tony had to do something that would result in his own death in order for Thanos to be defeated. In Avengers: Infinity War, well before he observes those possibilities, Doctor Strange tells Tony: “Alright, Stark.

Did Dr Strange know Tony would die?

By now, Avengers fans know that Doctor Strange predicted the “endgame” of Avengers: Endgame back in Avengers: Infinity War. The writers confirmed that, in that moment, Strange knew Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) had to die. There was no other outcome.

Did Thanos kill Iron Man?

In the culmination of more than 20+ movies, Iron Man managed to beat Thanos after getting the Infinity Stones himself and using every last fiber of his being to reset reality five years after the initial snap. A gruesome panel shows how Thanos defeated Iron Man. He killed Tony by ripping him into pieces.

Who actually killed Thanos?

Once freed by Spider-Man, Adam makes short work of his enemy by turning Thanos to stone, effectively killing him.

Did Wanda kill Thanos?

When the rest of the Avengers returned, Wanda Maximoff trapped Thanos using her powers and actually could’ve killed him, but she was stopped by a bombing raid from Thanos’ ship. Although it was heavily implied Wanda could’ve beaten Thanos alone, WandaVision now confirms that as a fact.

Can Captain America lift Thor’s hammer?

Not only can Captain America lift Thor’s hammer, he’s able to call down the lightning just as Thor would. It’s a huge, cathartic, and historic moment in the history of the MCU, but it’s something long familiar to Marvel Comics fans.

Can a bullet kill Thor?

However, there are few instances in the Marvel comics where Thor has taken hits from bullets (and full-on military ordinances) and survived. Now, Thor has been killed in several comic appearances — but never by a bullet.

Can a bullet kill Spider Man?

In the comics, movies, and “in real life”, Spider-Manis not bullet proof. He is, however tough and has faster-than-usual healing. He can take a non lethal GSW and come back and fight a day or so later.

Who has Captain America slept with?

Raised Flag: 15 Women Captain America Has Slept With

  4. 4 JET ZOLA.
  7. 7 DR.

Who has Thor slept with?

4 Telling Jane Foster That He Cheated On Her While She Has Cancer. Thor has a way with ladies. After all, he’s pretty much slept with all them. From Sif to Brunhilde, Hela, Moondragon, Amora, and her sister Lorelai, his list of conquests is as long as the Rainbow Bridge itself.

Why did Sharon Kiss Steve Rogers?

Captain America wanted to take her out on a date but she refused because she was not supposed to mingle with her mission. Captain America kissing Sharon was really a one off thing because their feelings were clearly not as mutual as it was meant to be.

Did Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter have a child?

The father of Peggy Carter’s children has been confirmed, and all we can say is, we need a movie featuring them right now. Avengers: Endgame screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have gone on record confirming that Steve Rogers is, indeed, the daddy of Peggy’s two kids.

Did Steve Rogers end up with Peggy?

Let us know in the comments section and poll below! Should Steve Rogers And Peggy Carter Have Ended Up Together At The End Of Avengers: Endgame? Yes, the two were made for each other. No, they should’ve lived their own lives.

Who was the girl Captain America kisses in endgame?

Peggy Carter

Who kissed Captain America?

Some Marvel fans were not laughing, however. Many felt that it was more than a little inappropriate that the star-spangled hero shared a kiss with the niece of his one true love, Peggy Carter / Agent Carter (Hayley Atwell).