What do you call an apathetic person?

What do you call an apathetic person?

Some common synonyms of apathetic are impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, and stolid.

What is the word for I don’t care either way?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.

What’s a word for uncaring?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for uncaring, like: unsympathetic, uncompassionate, uncharitable, unaffectionate, detached, thoughtless, unmoved, unstirred, untouched, unthinking and unpitying.

What do you call a person with no opinion?

One who doesn’t take a stance on a subject can be characterized as impartial or indifferent. impartial (adj) – treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just: indifferent (adj) – having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned*

What is it called when you don’t care about others feelings?

ap·a·thet·ic ˌapəˈTHedik/ adjective adjective: apathetic showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. ” apathetic slackers who don’t vote” synonyms: uninterested, indifferent, unconcerned, unmoved, uninvolved, disinterested, unemotional, emotionless, dispassionate, lukewarm, unmotivated, halfhearted.

What is a Ultracrepidarian?

An ultracrepidarian is someone who is in the habit of giving advice on matters he himself knows nothing about — like a politician! This Latin word literally means ‘beyond the shoe’. William Hazlitt, the well-known essayist, coined the word ‘ultracrepidarin’ in 1819.

What is a throttlebottom?

: an innocuously inept and futile person in public office.

What is a dog lover called?

The technical term for those who love dogs is Cynophilist. And the love for a dog is called Canophilia.

What do you call someone who doesn’t stick to their word?

To renege is to go back on your word or fail to keep a promise. The Latin negāre means “to deny,” so by reneging on your word, you are denying someone whatever you promised them. In card games, you are said to renege if you play against the rules.

What is a man’s word?

8. A Real Man’s Word Is His Bond. When a real man makes a promise, he keeps it. If he can’t keep a promise, he doesn’t give his word. Every man knows that his words are as powerful as his actions, and that they must be taken at face value.

What does Renigging mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to go back on a promise or commitment. 2 : revoke. 3 obsolete : to make a denial.

Who said a man is as good as his word?

Rodd Thunderheart

What is the true measure of a man?

“The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

What does a man’s word is his bond mean?

If someone’s word is their bond, they always keep a promise: “But listen, you have to promise never to tell anyone.” “My word is my bond.”

How do I become the man of my word?

Here are 7 ways to become a man of your word.

  1. Make less promises.
  2. Don’t agree to things you simply don’t want to do – man up and say no!
  3. Quit making excuses.
  4. Stop being vague in your communication (do or do not, there is no try.)
  5. Complete commitments quickly.
  6. Follow through, because you said you would.

What does I am a man of my word mean?

a man of his word A man who can be expected to keep or follow through with his promises or intentions; a truthful, trustworthy, or reliable person. (Feminine: “a woman of her word.”) Bob, I’m a man of my word.

Why is keeping your word so important?

Words and actions are powerful. When you say you’ll do something, others expect you to do it, or you may develop a reputation for not following through on commitments and letting people down. Not honoring your word enough times can have people running in the other direction when they see you coming.

What does keeping your word mean?

to uphold one’s promise; to do as one says. (The opposite of break one’s word.) I told her I’d be there to pick her up, and I intend to keep my word. Keeping one’s word is necessary in the legal profession.

Who is an honorable person?

An honorable person is someone who believes in truth and doing the right thing — and tries to live up to those high principles. Telling the truth is honorable. This word is also used for people who are deserving of being honored, like when judges are called “The honorable Judge So-and-so.”