What do you call someone who craves knowledge?

What do you call someone who craves knowledge?

Inquisitive. An inquisitive person is intellectually curious, eager for knowledge and likes to inquire, research and ask questions.

What do you call a lover of knowledge?

A philomath (/ˈfɪləmæθ/) is a lover of learning and studying.

How do you describe someone with a lot of knowledge?

The definition of erudite is someone who has wide range of knowledge and is well-read.

What is it called when you question everything?

In a postive way: inquisitive, curious, knowledge-seeker. In a neutral way: skeptic, freethinker, rationalist. In a negative way: cynic, pessimist, scoffer, doubting thomas, disbeliever, dissenter.

What is it called when you always want to learn more?

Inquisitive. Eager for knowledge; intellectually curious. That would answer the “[someone who] Is curious, wants to understand many things” part of your question.

What to say instead of I learned?

Suggested alternatives include lessons learned, “things one learned” – or simply lessons – discoveries, findings, insights, and takeaways.

What is a questioning person?

The questioning of one’s sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender, or all three is a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring, or concerned about applying a social label to themselves for various reasons.

What do you call someone that ask a lot of questions?

An inquisitive person is one given to asking questions. There are other words to call such a person but they depend on their attitude and the feelings they elicit in others. If someone asks a lot of questions and you feel grateful for the attention, then the person is interested, curious.

What’s a word for questioning?

In this page you can discover 53 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for questioning, like: quizzical, self-reflection, investigate, curious, skeptical, seeking, interrogating, unbelieving, incredulous, debating and disputing.

What is a questioning tone?

indicating or implying a question: a questioning tone in her voice. characterized by or indicating intellectual curiosity; inquiring: an alert and questioning mind.

What is the opposite of questioning?

Antonyms: trusting, incurious, trustful, unperplexed. Synonyms: speculative, unbelieving, wondering(a), inquisitive, sceptical, skeptical, quizzical, doubting, disbelieving.

What are some questioning techniques?

Using Questioning Techniques

  • Learning: ask open and closed questions, and use probing questioning.
  • Relationship building: people generally respond positively if you ask about what they do or enquire about their opinions.
  • Managing and coaching: here, rhetorical and leading questions are useful too.

What are the six levels of questioning?


  • (1) Knowledge.
  • (2) Comprehension.
  • (3) Application.
  • (4) Analysis.
  • (5) Synthesis.
  • (6) Evaluation.

What is Costa’s level of questioning?

Level 1 (the lowest level) requires one to gather information. Level 2 (the middle level) requires one to process the information. Level 3 (the highest level) requires one to apply the information. Prove your answer.