What does AB stand for state?

What does AB stand for state?


AB (Alberta) BC (British Columbia) NB (New Brunswick)
ON (Ontario) PE (Prince Edward Island) SK (Saskatchewan)

What state is nt the abbreviation for?

Northwest Territories

What is Indiana’s initials?

Two-Letter State Abbreviations


What is Nevada’s initials?

Nevada – Nev. New Hampshire – N.H. New Jersey – N.J. New Mexico – N. Mex.

What states start with AB?

No states except Alabama and Nebraska have a B in their name, and California and Florida are the only state names that contain F. If X was your guess, you were also close—the rare letter makes an appearance in only New Mexico and Texas.

What is the most common first letter for state names?


What is state without an E?

The answer to the “State without an A” riddle is “Stte.” The answer to the “State without an E” riddle is “Stat.” The riddle is asking the responder to simply spell the initial word “state” without an “a” in the word.

What is America’s 4th largest city?

50 states and District of Columbia

2019 rank City State
1 New York City New York
2 Los Angeles California
3 Chicago Illinois
4 Houston Texas

Which city is largest city in the world?


What is the 4th largest city in the world?

The Most Populous Cities Today

Rank City Population
1 Tokyo /td>
2 Delhi /td>
3 Shanghai /td>
4 São Paulo /td>

Is Chicago bigger than Atlanta?

9-Mar-20 – While ranked third in the United States by population, Chicago is smaller than 22 other cities when ranked by land area, according to the 2010 United States Census. Or two cities, Atlanta (133.2 square miles) and Milwaukee (96.1 square miles).

Is Atlanta more dangerous than Chicago?

Atlanta has about 25% more violent crime than Chicago, and 15–20% less murder/manslaughter.

Is Chicago more expensive than Atlanta?

The cost of living in Chicago, IL is 14.7% higher than in Atlanta, GA.

Is Chicago bigger than London?

London: 671 square miles Chicago looks like a slice in the pie that is the Greater London urban area. With nearly 10 million residents, the UK’s capital makes Chicago feel very small.

Is London or Paris bigger?

London is among the largest metropolitan areas in Europe, as it covers an estimated area of 1,572 square kilometers. Paris covers an estimated 105 square kilometers, which means London is 15 times larger than Paris. Paris appears to be quite small and not much bigger than London’s central business district.

Which city is richer London or Paris?

London and Paris are the major and richest cities in Europe with a GDP of US$835 billion and US$822 billion respectively. Dublin is the richest city by Per capita at $115,094….Ranked by GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Rank 1
City London
Country UK
GDP (in US$ billion) 879

What is Europe’s largest city?
