What does just and equitable mean?

What does just and equitable mean?

Just and Equitable (adjective): to suitably reflect the relevant circumstances of the parties, including the current division of assets, contributions and future needs, when determining how the assets of a relationship are to be divided upon its breakdown.

What is an equitable principle?

Definitions of equitable principle a basic rule developed from suits in equity (=common law legal principles applied to achieve fairness where the strict rules of law would be too severe or unkind) that treats everyone in a fair and equal way.

What is an equitable relationship?

In summary, equity theory suggests that people are more satisfied with a relationship in which there is equal give and take by both parties. This theory proposes that a person’s motivation to stay in any relationship is based on the equality (or inequality) of the contributions made to the relationship by each person.

What does Equitable mean in law?

universal justice and fairness

What is an example of equitable relief?

An injunction is another equitable remedy, which directs someone to stop doing something he or she shouldn’t do. For example, an employer and employee sign a non-compete agreement. After the employee leaves the employer, he breaches the contract by competing with his former company.

What is equitable treatment?

Equitable treatment means people receive the same opportunity to reach a specific objective while specific considerations are in place. ‘Equitable’ is not the same as ‘equal’ because you must make specific considerations.

What is fair and equitable treatment?

The fair and equitable treatment (FET) standard under international investment treaties is a very broad standard of protection and generally aims to protect foreign investors against unfair treatment by a host government in the absence of more specific protection standards.

What is considered fair and equitable compensation?

Being fair means that the compensation amount was impartially and honestly determined in an objective manner based on merit without any favor or prejudice. …

What is the difference between equity and equitable?

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines equity as, “something that is equitable,” where equitable is defined as, “dealing fairly and equally with all concerned.” In education and social structures, equity refers to the fact that different people have varying needs of support and assistance.

What are equity examples?

Equity is the ownership of any asset after any liabilities associated with the asset are cleared. For example, if you own a car worth $25,000, but you owe $10,000 on that vehicle, the car represents $15,000 equity. It is the value or interest of the most junior class of investors in assets.

What is difference between equal and equitable distribution?

Equal means ‘same’, whereas equitable means ‘fairly’. That way, equal distribution means every individual gets a name share in country’s national income. Equitable does not mean equal distribution of income. It refers to the distribution of income that is ‘fair,’ but the concept of ‘fair’ is subjective.

What does it mean to have an equitable distribution of income?

What is it? Equitable distribution of income ensures distributing welfare to ensure fairness and allowing members of the economy to have the same opportunity to accumulate wealth. The Government redistributes tax revenue to ensure equitable distribution of wealth.

What does equitably divided mean?

Equitable distribution means that, in a divorce, property will be equitably divided between the parties. Equitable does not mean equal, but sometimes property will be equally divided. Equitable distribution means that the court will aim to divide the property in a manner that is fair.