What does * mean when texting?

What does * mean when texting?

Yup, an asterisk usually means that there is a footnote at the bottom of the page. I’ve also used asterisks in handwritten text, to denote place/s where I would like to insert further text.

What is the meaning of Thinna?

had food

What is reluctantly mean?

adverb. without really wanting to; unwillingly: I told her to take a break, just for one moment, and she reluctantly pulled away from her work.

Why means in English?

1 : the cause, reason, or purpose for which know why you did it that is why you did it. 2 : for which : on account of which know the reason why you did it. why. plural whys.

What is the meaning of tattered?

1 : torn into shreds : ragged a tattered flag. 2a : broken down : dilapidated decaying houses along tattered paved streets— P. B. Martin. b : being in a shattered condition led their tattered party to victory. 3 : wearing ragged clothes a tattered barefoot boy.

What do the word tattered and stained signify?

Answer: Explanation: It shows that God lives in the company of those who toil in Sun and Shower and whose clothes are soiled with dust. God loves the humble tiller despite his dirty and tattered dress.

What is the similar meaning of tattered?

In this page you can discover 36 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tattered, like: torn, ragged, decrepit, rundown, shabby, bedraggled, broken-down, ratty, shattered, past cure (or hope) and ripped.

What does tattered clothing mean?

If something’s tattered, it’s worn ragged. You’ll understand tattered if your dress has been dragging under your car for the last 100 miles. The word tattered comes from Middle English, from a time when people wore clothing with decorative slashes, and apparently tatter originally meant “a scrap of cloth.”

What does materialized mean?

1 : to appear suddenly As soon as I arrived, my friends materialized. 2 : to become actual fact Their hopes never materialized. 3 : to cause to take on a physical form She claimed she could materialize the spirits of the dead.

What does lucid mean?

1a : suffused with light : luminous. b : translucent snorkeling in the lucid sea. 2 : having full use of one’s faculties : sane. 3 : clear to the understanding : intelligible.

Can you have a lucid nightmare?

In truth, the unconscious mind plays a very active role in lucid dreaming. And when the unconscious decides to air some anxieties, you have a nightmare. You can experience the same thing in a regular lucid dream (ie not a lucid nightmare). In fact, many lucid dream researchers encourage it.

Can a person be lucid?

If someone is lucid, they are thinking clearly again after a period of illness or confusion. He wasn’t very lucid, he didn’t quite know where he was. The pain had lessened in the night, but so had his lucidity. Collins!

What is a lucid conversation?

/ˈlu·sɪd/ (of speech or writing) clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or reasoning clearly: The author’s prose is lucid and entertaining. He didn’t seem very lucid after the accident.

What does lucid dreaming feel like?

What Does Lucid Dreaming Feel Like? Lucid dreaming feels like manipulating real life— but from within the construct of your own mind! You can travel anywhere in an instant, defy the laws of physics, change your identity, wish for something and make it happen. The world is essentially yours to do with as you please.

What’s the opposite of lucid?

What is the opposite of lucid?

unclear ambiguous
unintelligible vague
cloudy foggy
gloomy incoherent
muddied murky

What’s another word for lucid?

The words clear and perspicuous are common synonyms of lucid.