What does Preponderous mean?

What does Preponderous mean?

adjective. Greater in weight, amount, or number; preponderant.

What does domesticity mean?

1 : the quality or state of being domestic or domesticated. 2 : domestic activities or life. 3 domesticities plural : domestic affairs.

What does enthralled mean?

Today the word is often used in its participle form, enthralled, which sometimes means “temporarily spellbound” (“we listened, enthralled, to the old woman’s oral history”), but more often suggests a state of being generally captivated, delighted, or taken by some particular thing.

What does Domineer mean?

intransitive verb. : to exercise arbitrary or overbearing control. transitive verb. : to tyrannize over.

What does earnestness mean?

noun. seriousness and zeal in intention, purpose, or effort: Socrates was a man of great moral earnestness, and exemplified in his own life some of the noblest virtues.

What does reluctantly mean?

: feeling or showing aversion, hesitation, or unwillingness reluctant to get involved also : having or assuming a specified role unwillingly a reluctant hero.

What does gruel mean?

English Language Learners Definition of gruel : a thin food made by boiling oatmeal or some other grain in water or milk.

What does sporadically mean?

: in a sporadic manner : not regularly or constantly gunfire being heard sporadically software updates that appear sporadically Originally from the western Pacific Ocean, the shrimp have been spotted sporadically in U.S. waters for the past two decades.—

What does theoretically mean?

according to an ideal

What does harboring mean?

1a : to give shelter or refuge to harboring a fugitive. b : to be the home or habitat of The ledges still harbor rattlesnakes. broadly : contain sense 2 a town that harbors several textile factories. 2 : to hold especially persistently in the mind : cherish harbored a grudge.

What is something you do sporadically?

Something that happens sporadically doesn’t occur with regularity, but rather periodically or occasionally. You might meet sporadically with your cousins, usually on minor holidays like Memorial Day or Flag Day.

What is a sporadic person?

(of similar things or occurrences) appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional: sporadic renewals of enthusiasm. appearing in scattered or isolated instances, as a disease. isolated, as a single instance of something; being or occurring apart from others.

What does running sporadically mean?

adverb. every now and then; at irregular intervals in time: Ox-eye sunflowers bloom sporadically throughout the summer.

What does occasionally mean?

: on occasion : now and then dines out occasionally We occasionally see deer in the field.

What does rarely mean?

not often

What does eventually mean?

: at an unspecified later time : in the end.

How often does occasionally mean?

occasionally typically means midway between “three to six times a year” and “about once or twice a month”; and very often typically means “about once a week.” One can see in the table that the difference in definition by topic, for each category, is roughly a full point on the rating scale.

Which is more occasionally vs rarely?

As adverbs the difference between occasionally and rarely is that occasionally is from time to time; now and then; once in a while; irregularly; at infrequent intervals while rarely is not occurring at a regular interval; seldom; not often.

Is once a week occasional?

Occasional = once every couple of weeks.

Is occasionally more than sometimes?

As adverbs the difference between occasionally and sometimes is that occasionally is from time to time; now and then; once in a while; irregularly while sometimes is on certain occasions, or in certain circumstances, but not always.

Is often more than sometimes?

If something usually happens, it happens more often than if it sometimes happens. If something sometimes happens, it happens less often than if it usually happens.

Does occasionally spell?

Correct spelling for the English word “occasionally” is [əkˈe͡ɪʒənə͡li], [əkˈe‍ɪʒənə‍li], [ə_k_ˈeɪ_ʒ_ə_n_əl_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Which is more frequent often or usually?

Yes, usually is more frequent than often.

Does usually mean always?

Yes, you can use usually to mean not always. Always means: at all times; on all occasions. So whenever your grandfather’s here, he answers the phone.

Does often mean always?

As adverbs the difference between always and often is that always is at all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually while often is frequently, many times.

How often is rarely?

about 20 percent