What does statutory mean in law?

What does statutory mean in law?

Statutory law or statute law is written law passed by a body of legislature. This is as opposed to oral or customary law; or regulatory law promulgated by the executive or common law of the judiciary. Statutes may originate with national, state legislatures or local municipalities.

What is another word for statutory?

What is another word for statutory?

constitutional lawful
legal legislative
judicial rightful
authorizedUS legitimate
sanctioned licit

What’s another name for statutory law?

What is another word for statute law?

acts of Congress constitution
written law statutory law
statute act
enactment bill
ordinance foundation

What does statutory name mean?

1 of, relating to, or having the nature of a statute. 2 prescribed or authorized by statute.

What is the opposite of statutory?

What is the opposite of statutory?

illegal illegitimate
wrongful lawless
forbidden criminal
unconstitutional outlawed
unacceptable unauthorizedUS

How do you use statutory in a sentence?

Use “statutory” in a sentence | “statutory” sentence examples

  1. Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose.
  2. We had a statutory duty to report to Parliament.
  3. When you buy foods you have certain statutory rights.
  4. She’s below the statutory age for school attendance.
  5. These additional guarantees do not affect your statutory rights.

What are statutory matters?

If something is statutory, it is related to or set by laws or statutes. If something is legal, it is allowed by the law, whereas if it is statutory, it is regulated by law. In the negative, this is easier to understand. If something is not legal, the law says you can’t do it.

What are the statutory requirements?

Statutory requirements are those requirements which are applicable by virtue of law enacted by the government. These are enacted by passing the law in the legislative assembly or parliament.

What is a statutory role?

the laws that a company, a government organization, or the members of a particular profession must obey: By charging such high prices for electricity, the company was found to be in breach of statutory duty. Hospitals have a statutory duty of care towards patients, and in this case they failed in that duty.

What is a breach of statutory duty?

Breach of a duty imposed on some person or body by a statute. The person or body in breach of the statutory duty is liable to any criminal penalty imposed by the statute, but may also be liable to pay damages to the person injured by the breach if he belongs to the class for whose protection the statute was passed.

What are a council’s statutory duties?

The district or borough council has statutory functions which include street trading, licensing, development control, building control, environmental health, street parking, traffic regulation, housing and waste collection for its area.

Is Duty of Care common law?

Duty of care comes under the legal concept of negligence, and negligence belongs to the domain of common law. Common law is also known as judge-made law as the decision about guilt is decided using legal precedence and community attitudes and expectations.

Is Negligence a common law?

a doctrine of common law that if a person was injured in part due to his/her own negligence (his/her negligence “contributed” to the accident), the injured party would not be entitled to collect any damages (money) from another party who supposedly caused the accident.