What does twaddle mean?

What does twaddle mean?

1a : silly idle talk : drivel. b : something insignificant or worthless : nonsense that idea is pure twaddle. 2 : one that twaddles : twaddler. twaddle. verb.

How do you use ardor?

Ardor in a Sentence 🔉

  1. While Jane enjoyed spending time with John, she did not return the ardor he felt for her.
  2. Matt’s ardor for his wife decreased when he met his attractive young neighbor.
  3. Even though I enjoy playing tennis, I do not have the ardor for it that would lead me to play the sport professionally.

What is the opposite of ardor?

ardor(n) Antonyms: indifference, apathy. Synonyms: eagerness, zeal, heartiness, impetuosity, fervor, vehemence, empressement, intensity, warmth.

What does claptrap mean?

pretentious nonsense

How do you use twaddle in a sentence?

  1. I’ve never heard such utter twaddle!
  2. I don’t believe in all that twaddle about fate.
  3. She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle/a load of old twaddle.
  4. The novel is sentimental twaddle.
  5. More self-indulgent self-important twaddle, the product of a rock star who really did believe his own press, his own myth.

What is the definition of trumpery?

1a : worthless nonsense. b : trivial or useless articles : junk a wagon loaded with household trumpery— Washington Irving.

How do you use urgent in a sentence?

Use “urgent” in a sentence | “urgent” sentence examples

  1. He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.
  2. The paper calls for an urgent shake-up in the system for looking after the elderly.
  3. It is urgent I talk to Mr.
  4. I must post this letter; it’s urgent.
  5. He was in urgent need of medical attention.

What is very urgent?

adjective. compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing: an urgent matter. insistent or earnest in solicitation; importunate, as a person: an urgent pleader.

What is the synonyms of urgent?


  • acute,
  • burning,
  • clamant,
  • compelling,
  • critical,
  • crying,
  • dire,
  • emergent,

What is difference between important and urgent?

Urgent tasks are mostly tasks that have an immediate deadline or a deadline that has passed. Important tasks, on the other hand, need not have a deadline looming over the person. They are important because of the impact that they can have on the person’s life.

What does not urgent mean?

Non-urgent messages are routine and do not require immediate attention. In most cases, these are messages that can wait to be answered, like a routine visit with your primary care clinic. Some examples of a non-urgent concerns include: Asking about an appointment. Renewing your medications.

What is urgent but not important?

Urgent but not important tasks are things that prevent you from achieving your goals. Ask yourself whether you can reschedule or delegate them. A common source of such activities is other people. (Our article “‘Yes’ to the Person, ‘No’ to the Task” will help here.)