What Im looking for in a man?

What Im looking for in a man?

The 5 Qualities I’m Looking For In A Man.

  • A man. Actually, a manly man, a gentleman and a simple man.
  • Someone who knows I’m not perfect.
  • Someone who is kind and open-minded.
  • Don’t look past me to see if there’s someone better standing behind.
  • Someone with the same values as me.

What should I say about myself on a dating profile?


  • Include your real name and not a made up display name.
  • Include your interests/hobbies/likes/dislikes.
  • Describe yourself in a way that people see you/how you see yourself.
  • Mention groups/activities you are a part of.
  • Put up a picture of yourself, so people can trust what they see.

What should I say on a dating app?

Check out these chat starters that will transform the way you use dating apps:

  • Ask a “Would you rather…” question.
  • Ask for a recommendation.
  • Ask what she’s looking for on dating apps.
  • Compliment a physical feature.
  • Share a random fact.
  • Talk about your goals.
  • Ask about something in her dating app profile.
  • “Going to Whole Foods.

How do you describe yourself to someone?

How to answer, “How would you describe yourself?”

  • I am passionate about my work.
  • I am ambitious and driven.
  • I am highly organized.
  • I’m a people-person.
  • I’m a natural leader.
  • I am results-oriented.
  • I am an excellent communicator.
  • Words to describe your work style:

What do you write in a one line introduction?

Try these lines to describe yourself if questions arise where you can utilize them.

  1. “I can keep my cool under pressure.”
  2. “I don’t easily lose my temper.”
  3. “I’m good at multi-tasking.”
  4. “I enjoy meeting new people every day.”
  5. “I love making people’s day.”
  6. “I believe customers are the most important part of any business.”

How do you introduce a name?

Introduce Your Name

  1. My name is …/ I’m …
  2. My full/ first/ last name is …
  3. You can call me …/ They call me …/ Please call me …/ Everyone calls me …
  4. My nickname is …

How do you introduce yourself on the phone?

Introduce yourself Say “Hello, this is (name)” to let people know who you are. If you answer the phone and the caller doesn’t give his name, you can say “May I ask who’s calling, please?”. Practise saying these simple phrases to help yourself feel confident at the start of any telephone conversation.

How do you talk professionally on the phone?

10 tips for answering and handling calls professionally

  1. Promptly answer calls.
  2. Be warm and welcoming.
  3. Introduce yourself and your business.
  4. Speak clearly.
  5. Do not use slang or buzz words.
  6. Ask before you put people on hold.
  7. Don’t just put calls through.
  8. Be prepared for your calls.

How do you greet someone over the phone?

Greet the Caller

  1. Greet the caller in a friendly and enthusiastic manner such as “Good morning or good afternoon”.
  2. State your company name. For example, “This is Office Skills Training”.
  3. Introduce yourself to the caller. For example “Sue Bunting speaking”.
  4. Offer your help. For example, “how may I help you?”

How do you say hello on the phone?

A greeting. Begin your company’s greeting with “Hello,” or “Thank you for calling,” or, if most of your callers are in the same time zone, try “Good morning/afternoon.” Better yet, combine two or three of these options in your greeting! Welcome your callers with a few warm words before saying anything else.