What is a compelling example?

What is a compelling example?

The definition of compelling is someone or something extremely attractive or interesting. An example of compelling is a novel with a plot and characters that are so intriguing that you don’t want to stop reading. There are compelling reasons why these articles should have definitions.

How do you write a compelling sentence?

The Art Of Writing Powerful Sentences

  1. Trim the fat. The rule of thumb in writing powerful sentences is that less is more.
  2. Move strong words to the beginning or end. The first and last words of a sentence are the most memorable.
  3. Get to the point.
  4. Don’t use fluff.
  5. Get rid of passive voice.
  6. Choose better verbs.
  7. Create an image in few words.
  8. Build suspense.

How do you write a compelling first sentence?

How To Write A Good Opening Line:

  1. Full stops are your friends. Short, clear sentences will grab your readers’ attention.
  2. Use language that will add weight to your sentences.
  3. Use your verbs correctly, and your adjectives sparingly.
  4. Opening lines don’t have to be loud, subtlety is just as effective.

What makes a strong sentence?

A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought—also known as an independent clause. For example: “Parents worry about their children.” This sentence is complete, and conveys a clear idea. A good sentence conjures a particular mood.

What is another word for compelling?

What is another word for compelling?

gripping enthralling
mesmeric spellbinding
dramatic enchanting
engaging engrossing
entrancing intense

What does compelling reason mean?

A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true or that something should be done.

What is the opposite of compelling?

Antonyms of COMPELLING irrelevant, invalid, incidental, unpersuasive, trivial, optional, indecisive, ineffective, immaterial, groundless, negligible, powerless, discretional, inconclusive, shaky, feeble, minor, elective, unconvincing, uncompelling, dissuasive, noncritical, unimportant, insignificant, safe, stable.

Is compelling positive or negative?

While memorizing vocabulary, I found something very odd:the fact that while the word ‘compel’ has a negative feeling to it (because you are ‘forcing’ someone), the word ‘compelling’ has a positive feeling to it (because it ‘evokes interest’).

What is compelling reasons leave?

Answer: All states have laws that disqualify individuals who leave work without good cause. Good cause is defined as a compelling reason that would motivate a reasonable person to leave his or her job under similar circumstances.

What is a compelling force?

“the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.” “an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one’s conscious wishes.” These connotations (doing something that you wish you weren’t/didn’t have to) are causing a problem for me. –

What is compelling question?

Compelling Questions. Asks about a topic, event, or idea in early American History in a specific way that may not have been thought about before. ( Raises an interesting question about a social concern and is important to the world.)

What is a unknown compelling force?

L. Tech “An Unknown Compelling Force” is one of the darkest, most chilling albums I’ve heard in a long time. It revolves around the mysterious unsolved (perhaps supernatural or extraterrestrial) deaths of nine ski hikers in the Russian Ural Mountains in 1959.

What is another word for repelled?

SYNONYMS FOR repel 1 repulse, parry, ward off. 3 withstand, oppose, rebuff. 7 decline, rebuff.

How does a magnet repel and attract?

Magnets are surrounded by an invisible magnetic field that is made by the movement of electrons, the subatomic particles that circle the nucleus of an atom. Magnets attract when a north pole is introduced to a south pole. If like poles are introduced, either north to north or south to south, the magnets repel.

How do you increase the strength of an electromagnet?

You can make an electromagnet stronger by doing these things:

  1. wrapping the coil around a piece of iron (such as an iron nail)
  2. adding more turns to the coil.
  3. increasing the current flowing through the coil.

What happens when an electromagnet is turned off?

The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off. The wire turns are often wound around a magnetic core made from a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material such as iron; the magnetic core concentrates the magnetic flux and makes a more powerful magnet.

How strong can an electromagnet be?

Superconducting electromagnets can produce stronger magnetic fields but are limited to fields of 10 to 20 teslas, due to flux creep, though theoretical limits are higher. For stronger fields resistive solenoid electromagnets of the Bitter design are used.

What makes an electromagnet weaker?

The Metal Core The metal inside the coil magnifies the field created by it. Changing the metal core for a different metal will make the electromagnet stronger or weaker. Iron cores make for very strong fields. Sliding the core partially out of the coil will weaken the field, because less of the metal is within it.

What are some harmful effects of electromagnets?

Reported symptoms include headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue and loss of libido. To date, scientific evidence does not support a link between these symptoms and exposure to electromagnetic fields.

What is the best core for an electromagnet?


What kind of magnet can be turned on and off?


Why does hammering a magnet demagnetize it?

We know that the existence of magnetic moments causes magnetism. So when we hammer it, the dipoles get disturbed, lose their orientation, and thus magnetic moments no longer exist. Thus the magnet will get demagnetized.