What is a granola mom?

What is a granola mom?

The term ‘crunchy mom’ was once a reference to those hippie-dippie type moms who make their own (crunchy) granola and breastfeed for years and do all sorts of other natural living type things.

What does being a granola mean?

Granola usually refers to politically liberal people who want to have the image of being outdoorsy and wholesome. They are known for things like driving Subarus, shopping at Whole Foods, being gluten free, wearing sandals, doing yoga, etc.

How can I be a cool parent?

It’s a matter of the heart.

  1. You Can Listen to This Post.
  2. Get Yourself Together. To be a cool mom, the motivation has to be about your child’s well-being not about yourself.
  3. Choose Your Battles.
  4. Stop Parenting Out of Fear.
  5. Say Yes as Much as Possible.
  6. Being Available to Talk About Anything.

What is cool about working parents?

1. Working moms provide positive role models. Children need to realize from an early age that women are not just domestic servants and that they may have a professional life of their own. Girls will learn that they need to think about a career, rather than just getting married and having children.

How do you be cool with kids?

How to Keep Your Cool and Stay Calm With Kids

  1. Take a step back. Whenever you find yourself losing your cool, whatever the reason, try to recognize and detect these emotions as quickly as possible.
  2. Observe. Step outside of the situation for one minute.
  3. Delay your response.
  4. Listen.
  5. Be mild.
  6. Not yours.
  7. Solution.
  8. Keep up your energy level.

How do you keep up with kids?

How to Increase Your Energy and Keep Up With Your Kids: Simple Addition and Subtraction

  1. Add more fruits and veggies to your diet.
  2. Subtract sodas (both sugar or artificially sweetened soda).
  3. Add a daily multivitamin.
  4. Subtract simple carbs (processed, white flour, sugar, corn syrup).
  5. Add a meditation practice daily.

How do I stop being impatient with my child?

Here are some “stay cool” strategies to try the next time your toddler’s behavior gets your temperature rising:

  1. Know your limits. It’s often not just your toddler’s whining that pushes you over the edge.
  2. Pick your battles.
  3. Give yourself a time-out.
  4. Try distraction.
  5. Find an outlet.
  6. Be good to yourself.